A Winter's Rose

Read Online A Winter's Rose by Erica Spindler - Free Book Online

Book: A Winter's Rose by Erica Spindler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erica Spindler
She’d given him all the power.
    Bentley spun away from the window, her breath about to choke her. Squeezing her eyes shut, she fought the wave of helplessness and self-criticism that flooded her, threatening to drown her.
    No. David had been wrong. He was a cruel, sick man. From now on she didn’t second-guess herself, she didn’t whip herself for decisions and choices she couldn’t change. Bentley took a deep, healing breath, then another. Never again would she punish herself for other people’s sins.
    With that thought, she started to dress.
    Within an hour she was not only dressed, but stepping through Jackson’s front door. As she did, Chloe raced down the stairs, eager to start for Houston. She had obviously forgiven Bentley their exchange of words the day before.
    Bentley angled Jackson a questioning glance from the corner of her eye. He hadn’t acknowledged her other than with a generic good morning. He hadn’t acknowledged their confrontation of the night before.
    A thread of irritation wound through her. She had expected something to have changed. She had expected some sort of reaction to the worries she had expressed about Chloe. She’d been sure he would leave orders that Chloe do something today. Or even that they go nowhere.
    Instead, he wished his daughter a good day, gave her an absent smile and headed out the door. So she and Chloe shopped, and again the youngster did as she wished and used her charge card with abandon.
And as the hours ticked past, Bentley’s irritation turned to anger.
    By the end of the day, she was furious. Jackson Reese was a stubborn and arrogant man, she fumed as she waited for him to return from work. He hadn’t even thought about what she’d said! Instead, he had thumbed his nose at her and her opinion. Well, she wasn’t going to stand for it. If all he wanted was a brainless playmate for his daughter, he could hire a chimpanzee.
    When Jackson finally stepped through the front door, Bentley glared at him, ready for a fight.
    He lifted his eyebrows. “Something wrong?”
    â€œDaddy!” Chloe came barreling down the stairs. “Can we go out to eat tonight?”
    Jackson smiled at his daughter. “Sure, honey.”
    The youngster beamed at him, and Bentley rolled her eyes. Jackson had no idea he was being manipulated. And even if he did, she thought sarcastically, he probably wouldn’t care.
    â€œCan we go to Tony’s?”
    â€œSounds good. Anytime you’re ready.”
    â€œGreat! I’m going to wear one of my new outfits.” She started up the stairs, then stopped and turned to him. “Can Bentley come, too?”
    â€œSure.” He shrugged out of his jacket and tossed it on the chair. “Anything you want.”
    Bentley muttered several unladylike expletives and grabbed her coat.
    â€œYou say something?” He angled her an amused glance.
    She tipped up her chin. “Not anything I’d care to repeat. Good night.” She marched to the door and yanked it open.
    â€œNot coming to dinner?”
    Bentley arched her eyebrows in disbelief. “I don’t believe so.”
    â€œParty pooper.” He grinned.
    She felt the curving of his lips to the tips of her toes, and swore. “I’m not a party pooper,” she said haughtily, “I’m just choosy about who I break bread with.”
    She started through the door. He laughed, caught her hand and pulled her back. She glared at him.
    â€œAre we upset about something?”
    â€œWe?” Bentley flexed her fingers. “ You don’t seem upset about anything.”
    â€œShould I be?”
    She sucked in a quick, angry breath. “You didn’t even think about what I said last night, did you? What you did tonight is a perfect example of what I—” She bit the words off. “Never mind.”
    She tugged at her hand; he laughed again and tightened his fingers. “Come to

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