A Winter's Rose

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Book: A Winter's Rose by Erica Spindler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erica Spindler
dinner. It’ll make Chloe’s night.”
    Bentley narrowed her eyes. “She’ll survive.”
    â€œCome on.” He tugged her hand once more, inching her farther inside. He deepened his voice and met her eyes teasingly. “It’ll make mine, too.”
    Her blood pressure skyrocketed, her knees turned to Jell-O. She fought the sensations off. “ Did you think about what I said?” she asked, the huskiness of her voice shocking her.
    He paused, his smile slipping, the teasing light fading from his eyes. “Yes,” he murmured. “I’ve thought of almost nothing else.”
    He paused again, searching her expression. “And I don’t know.” He laced their fingers and tugged her the rest of the way inside. “Come to dinner. As a thank-you for your concern. As an apology for reacting like a horse’s behind.”
    Bentley hesitated. This time not because she didn’t want to go, but because she now wanted so desperately to go. Because now her pulse hammered and her senses were swamped with him. Damn it. If only he wasn’t being so sincere.
    She let out a long breath. “Jackson, I just don’t think—”
    â€œTa da!”
    Bentley and Jackson swiveled toward Chloe. She stood at the top of the stairs, wearing pink denim straight legs with a matching rhinestone-studded jacket.
    â€œWhat do you think?” she asked, posing. Jackson whistled. “Pretty swell duds for dinner with your old man.”
    â€œWell…” She started down the stairs. “I wanted to talk to you about that. You know the radio station that plays all the hits all the time?” Jackson lifted his eyebrows, and she rushed on. “Well, they’re hosting a beach party, right there at Tony’s. Isn’t that great? They’re going to have a band and drawings for free records and—”
    â€œBut, Daddy, we’re going to be right there!” She batted her eyelashes. “I’ll be perfectly safe, and Randa and Billie are going to be there, too. Please?”
    Jackson hesitated, and Chloe looked imploringly at Bentley. “You’ll help him watch me, won’t you, Bentley? You’ll be able to see me from the restaurant, and I promise I won’t leave your sight or talk to any weirdos or anything.” She looked at Jackson. “Can I go, Daddy?”
    â€œBentley hasn’t said whether she’s coming yet.” Jackson looked from his daughter to Bentley. “Are you?”
    â€œPlease, Bentley!”
    He’d cornered her, the rat. She sent him a withering look, then turned to Chloe. “All right, I’ll come.”
    With a squeal, Chloe raced for the front door.

Chapter Four
    T ony’s restaurant was located along the ten-mile seawall that protected Galveston Island from the Gulf of Mexico. Built on a pier that jutted out over the beach and into the Gulf, Tony’s wasn’t much more than a burger joint with a great view.
    After her first look at the place, Bentley had considered not eating. But now, after consuming half of the biggest, best-tasting hamburger she’d ever had, she understood why Jackson and Chloe had chuckled at her apprehension.
    Bentley didn’t know whether it had been the incredible food or the laid-back atmosphere that had affected her nervous system, but at that moment she was dangerously relaxed. Pushing her plate away, she made a sound that was part pleasure, part pain. “Delicious.”
    Jackson dragged his gaze away from the window and the beach party in progress below. “Told you so.” He eyed her plate, amused. “You did a pretty good job on that sandwich, Princess.”
    She arched her eyebrows. “A gentleman never comments on what a lady eats. It’s unseemly.” She moved her gaze lazily over him. “But then you, sir, are no gentleman.”
    Jackson laughed again and held up his hands.

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