The Outlaws

Read Online The Outlaws by Jane Toombs - Free Book Online

Book: The Outlaws by Jane Toombs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jane Toombs
Middleton, McNab, Skurlock, Bowdre, Brown, Smith and French. That oughta do the trick.
    Ezra gazed wistfully at Brewer, but he didn’t seem to notice.
    “We’re going to go by regulations,” Brewer went on. “We got papers and we’ll make arrests. Won’t be no powder smoke lynchings.’’
    “I reckon you’ll be calling us the Regulators then,” Billy said, winking at Ezra as if to show he wasn’t taking Brewer all that seriously.
    But Ezra had trouble smiling back at Billy. He badly wanted to be chosen to go with the posse and he could see it wasn’t going to happen.
    Nobody can stop me from trailing after them when they ride out, he told himself. I’ll help whether they want me or not.
    Early in March, Brewer called the ten Regulators together in Tunstall’s store.
    “We got word that Buck Morton’s in a Dolan cow camp down on the Pecos,” he told them. “We’re going after him. Remember, we ain’t going to be like that posse who did in poor old John.” Brewer paused to eye them. “We aim to see his killers hung by fair trial and any man who feels differently won’t be riding with me.”
    Ezra, standing beside Billy, felt his heart pound. At last something was going to happen.
    Jules came into the store, saw Ezra and ran over to him. “Tess wants you to come home right away,” he said.
    Ezra paid no attention. “I mean to go along with the Regulators.” “Ain’t no one stopping you,” Billy told him, smiling.
    “Tess says you got to hurry,” Jules persisted. “She says I got to bring you back.” “I’m riding out, You tell her that.”‘
    “To get the men who shot John Tunstall.”
    Jules stared up at him. His gray eyes filled with tears. “You’ll get shot like Papa and John,” he sobbed.
    As Ezra started out the door after Billy, Jules flung himself as Ezra, clutching him around one leg. “Don’t go,” he begged. Ezra tried to pry him loose, conscious of amused smiles from several of the Regulators.
    “You better take your brother home,” Billy said as he swung onto his gray.
    “I’ll catch up,” Ezra promised.
    * * *
    Tessa breathed a thankful sigh when she saw Ezra returning with Jules. She’d been terrified he’d go off with some of the men trying to avenge John’s death. Go off with Billy.
    “I told you he’d come back,” Calvin Rutledge said, walking over to stand beside her,” I’ll speak to the boy if you like, about protecting you. Dolan’s men are totally unscrupulous and since I can’t be in Lincoln all the time, Ezra must understand it’s necessary for him to be here to protect you.”
    “Thank you, but no,” she said hastily. Ezra didn’t take to Calvin for some reason she couldn’t understand and would resent anything Calvin told him.
    Calvin reached for her hand. “You know I’m ready to take care of you permanently any time you wish, Tessa. More than ready.” He pressed her fingers.
    Tessa smiled at him, but eased her hand from his. She’d been in a whirl of confusion and guilt ever since John’s death. How could she have made love with Mark while others of Dolan’s men were riding on their way to shoot John down in cold blood?
    She felt as though she never wanted to see Mark again, no matter what had passed between them. Color crept into her face as she thought of her wanton behavior. How could she have taken leave of her senses as she had? And with John’s enemy, as any Dolan hand must be.
    “Ah, you’re blushing,” Calvin said. “I didn’t mean to embarrass you, my dear.” He stepped back and picked up his hat.
    Ezra flung open the door, scowling. He barely returned Calvin’s greeting as the man went out. Jules, tagging at Ezra’s heels, was sniffling, his face dirt-streaked where he’d rubbed away tears. Tessa directed him into the kitchen.
    “You shouldn’t have sent Jules after me,” Ezra told her.
    “He’s afraid,” Tessa said, “and so am I. You’ve got to promise me you won’t do something

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