A Perfect Fit

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Book: A Perfect Fit by Tory Richards Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tory Richards
Tags: Erótica, Romance, Literature & Fiction, Contemporary, Romantic
it revealed more skin than it concealed. The sight of her long legs reminded him of what they felt like wrapped around his waist when he was pounding his cock into her. Soft wisps of hair had escaped her braid, hanging around her face and neck. She looked well rested, and sexier than any woman had a right to look first thing in the morning.
              As he ate her up with his eyes, the silence grew between them. Marissa just stood there in the doorway. After a while, she put her hand on her hip, unwittingly drawing her shirt further up her shapely thigh.
              “ It's on the counter. Help yourself.” He casually took a sip of his coffee, which was cold now.
              “ Thank you,” she said, going in the direction he had motioned with his head. “I'm not human until I have my first cup.”
              Beau had put a clean cup for her next to the maker. He watched as she filled it and then took a cautious sip. He didn't know many women who drank it black. He knew it was strong, but she didn't even make a face.
              “ Hummm, this is good.” Their eyes met.
              He wondered if she was just being polite. “I hope you slept okay.” He would have liked to have been lying next to her.
              “ Your bed is very comfortable,” Marissa replied.
              Something clicked inside of Beau. He didn't recall mentioning that it was his bed. “How do you know it was my bed?” Was it his imagination or did something just flicker in her eyes?
              “ It smelled like you.” She took a sip of coffee. “I'm sorry if I put you out.”
              He shrugged. She could have slept in the guestroom, but at the time he put her to bed he had intended to sleep with her. “Figured we'd both get a lot more sleep in separate beds. Especially since you can't keep your hands off me.”
              Marissa almost choked on her coffee. “What? You're the one who can't keep your libido in check.”
              Beau grinned in the face of her flushed anger. He'd only been teasing her and it was clear Marissa took his comment to heart. After a moment of glaring at him her expression gradually softened, and light amusement turned her eyes bright.
              “ Let's be honest, cowboy. It's mutual.” Beau nodded his agreement. “So, what did you do with my clothes?”
              He'd almost forgotten about them. “I washed them. They're in the dryer right now.”
              Her brows lifted with surprise. “Thank you. Is that part of your job?” she teased.
              “ When I make it part of my job,” Beau responded. He put his empty cup down in the sink. “Would you like some breakfast?”
              “ I doubt you have what I want.”
              It was his turn to raise his brows. “Is that a challenge?”
              She realized her mistake immediately. “Let me clarify what I mean is that I usually have yogurt and a banana for breakfast. And you don't look like the yogurt and banana type.”
              “ Really? What type do I look like?” Beau grew hot inside the way Marissa's eyes were assessing him. Her smile said she knew what she was doing to him. “If you're a smart woman you'll stop looking at me that way,” he said between his teeth.
              Her soft laugh breezed through the kitchen. “I was thinking you look more like the steak-and-eggs-for-breakfast-type.”
              She was right. Only, this morning he'd made due with coffee and toast. “Sorry, you're right. All Kirk said was to make sure you had coffee in the mornings.”
              “ Kirk doesn't know everything about me.” She finished her coffee and walked toward him to the sink. Their eyes clung as she set the cup in the sink

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