A New Dream [Dreams: 1]

Read Online A New Dream [Dreams: 1] by Alex C. Clarke - Free Book Online

Book: A New Dream [Dreams: 1] by Alex C. Clarke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alex C. Clarke
Tags: Contemporary, Amazon.com
then plopped down on the sofa and freed Lil’ Jimmy. He cradled his head in his hand and let his mind wander, sliding his other hand over his already leaking manhood. He pictured David’s body ―pale as alabaster, lean and tall― his hands on the wall and his ass up in the air. Behind closed eyes, he could see how the cheeks would contract with each thrust. He could almost feel his own hips ramming into David’s body, fast and furious until he’d cover his flushed skin with his white cream. His hand accelerated and he was already close to release. Long gone, the time he could wait hours before shooting his load…
    But it was the fault of his hot memories. His young days had been a succession of sizzling sex and remembering those moments had added fuel to his already lustful mind. He could barely breathe, putting David in place of his reminiscences. He tried to stifle his moan, not knowing yet if he could be overheard. He bit his lip, trying to delay what was bound to happen. The flow of images kept coming to him. He visualized David’s mouth, slightly opened, his eyes heavy with lust, a single drop of sweat dripping from his forehead to the side of his face and along his jaw. All he wanted was to touch him, slide his hand in his hair, damp with sweat, and clench his fist in it while crushing their mouths together. One last stroke and he felt flows of hot white semen spurt onto his stomach. He bit the cushion with force, panting hard in the silent room. It took him some time to recover.
    When he felt calm enough, he got up from the sofa and went to the bathroom where he cleaned up with a hot washcloth. Spent, he needed to sleep. The trip, the almost unbearable tension between David and him, and the weariness of these past few days had him exhausted. He was ready to fall into the arms of Morpheus.
    The room was now nicely warm, thanks to the air con. They had announced another wave of cold weather for the next few days and, even if he liked the freshness of the spring mornings in Boston, he could do with a little more heat. Still, he loved to be able to say which season it was just by looking out the window. He couldn’t live in Florida like his friend Rick, where the only temperatures were “hot” and “hotter”, regardless of whether it was summer or winter. Here, he loved the colors of the leaves in the fall, the white landscapes in winter, the buzz of bugs and the flowers in spring and the reasonable heat in summer. He couldn’t live elsewhere. He knew; he had tried.
    Now, though, he needed more heat. He wanted the sun to chase the clouds from his mind. He was troubled and didn’t like it. James’ goal was to seduce David. On the other hand, he could see the man was fragile and he didn’t want to shake him to the core. James knew he could be cynical and, much worse, a jaded prick at times.
    He had seen a lot in his life and could be seen as coldblooded. He saw love in David’s eyes when he had talked about his wife on the plane. He was obviously a romantic and, if he was ever able to lure the cute Frenchie into the darkness of his soul, he would be corrupted for life. No, James wasn’t good enough for him. He was fucked up. He didn’t know what the word trust meant, not anymore. And love? No, thank you very much.
    He sighed. He had seen what had happened with his dear mother, how love killed her. He knew his heart was locked in a vault, deeply protected by stone walls. So, he needed to convince the man they could have fun together, be fuck buddies for some time, but that was about it. It couldn’t be anything more. No, he wouldn’t risk anything for a fling.
    He fell asleep on the somber thoughts.
    T he morning after, he was determined to not let anyone or anything stop him. He was a Marine after all and he wouldn’t let his nightmares and fears… Wait! What? Fears? I’m not afraid of anything! Not even the L word…nope. He had yet to convince himself.
    He had this weird feeling he was

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