A Hero Rising
love, and no one else could ever come close. Yet, Skye deserved better than a dingy apartment and boyfriend who would never come back. She was lovely and tough, with a princess-like grace and a strong sense of self. She could hang from a balcony and trudge through the sewers all to save a little girl who wasn’t hers to begin with. The way she cared for Carly showed him how tender and loving her heart could be. She and Carly deserved their own paradise, and he wanted to give it to them.
    More reason to get moving.
    James quickened his pace as the air grew warmer, signaling they were walking below the next building: Thadious Legacy’s tower. He spotted metal rungs on the cement and put up his hand for Skye and Carly to stop sloshing around.
    “What is it?” Skye whispered, joining his side.
    “I’m listening.”
    “For what?”
    She put her hands on her hips, green eyes gleaming. “I thought you said there wouldn’t be any guards.”
    “That’s not who I’m listening for.”
    The moonshiners may have beaten them to it. If so, he wasn’t about to emerge in a room full of speeding maniacs. But the upper levels were silent. With Morpheus charging the moonshiners’ systems, there was no way they could keep still for that long.
    “I think the coast is clear.”
    James climbed first, lifting a metal grating just enough to peer out of the hole. The basement could have been a royal throne room. High ceilings jutted in shadows with hanging crystal chandeliers. The floor was black-and-white checkered marble, contrasting with floral tapestries on the walls. An antique Lamborghini Reveneton rested on a pedestal under a clear plastic cover.
    “We’re definitely in the right place.” James pushed the grating aside and hefted himself up. He offered Carly his hand, wondering if she’d finally accept his help.
    Carly shot him a wary look. She may have realized she didn’t have a choice, because her little hand darted up and she grabbed on. He lifted her, careful not to squeeze her hand too hard, yet she let go immediately after finding her footing and scurried a few feet away. James sighed. At least he’d made some sort of headway. Maybe next time she’d actually talk to him.
    James offered his hand to Skye as Carly looked around.
    “Why does the hovercraft have wheels on it?” Carly lifted the corner of the cover and touched the orange painted body.
    “It’s not a hovercraft, Carls, it’s a car,” Skye said, regaining her balance as James pulled her up.
    “What’s a car?”
    Skye looked at James as if it was a tough question to answer. James tried to explain. “A long time ago, there weren’t as many buildings, and people had room to drive on the land instead of riding in the air.”
    “Where did everyone live?”
    Her question impressed him. She was a smart little girl for someone not educated in the high-rise Academies. “There weren’t as many people back then, so we didn’t have as many buildings.”
    Skye took Carly’s hand. “Come on. We need to help James find a hovercraft.”
    “It’s okay.” James waved his hand. “I’m still thinking about the quickest way up. Legacy would have parked the hovercrafts on the higher levels, maybe even on the roof.”
    Before he could search for an elevator, Carly screamed, the sound shrill and full of terror. James whipped around and drew out his laser, pointing the barrel at a set of yellow, glassy eyes. The beast stood a whole foot taller than Carly, with white whiskers as long as her arm and a black and orange striped hide.
    “It’s stuffed,” Skye said, putting her hand gently on James’s arm. “The thing’s probably been dead for over a century.”
    James sighed in relief and lowered his laser. “I think I’ve seen too many of those moonshiners. They’ve got me jumpy.”
    “We’re all jumpy,” Skye said with a sympathetic smile. She squeezed his arm before removing her hand. Before he could respond, she jogged over

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