A Coursing Passage (A Life of Magic Book 3)

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Book: A Coursing Passage (A Life of Magic Book 3) by Matthew Mitchell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Matthew Mitchell
everyone is well. That prevents the rest of the camp from catching the sickness." A horn blast suddenly rang out down the wagon line. Stain looked up and smiled, "Time to eat our midday meal. Shall we join the ladies?" He walked around the wagon and almost ran into Tulip.
    "Watch it old man." She teased. "Ott, water and feed your animals. Raven is dealing with mine. Stain and I will grab the food and we will make a fine picnic for a few moments." She climbed into her wagon.
    I grinned and proceeded to do as she told. Tag and Evins were thankful for the water and rations. Tag as always shared a comment, "I think you need to consider that a packshell is not going to be the best animal to pull a wagon. Look around and find out all the information you can about the different things that pull wagons. There is a great many of different creatures and just as many different reasons to choose each type."
    Evins tossed in his opinion, "Be sure to pay attention to the drivers also. Each person has a different driving style and that reflects on the animals."
    "Thank you for that, I never considered that I would need to pick that out or what might go into that selection." I scratched both of them behind their heads, something both enjoyed. I rejoined our group just in time to sit down and eat.
    "Perhaps you could share one of your stories?" Stain asked Tulip.
    Tulip smiled, "Not now. This is a short stop and I am hungry. Perhaps tonight would be a better time for such story telling."
    Stain nodded and ate his meal. Raven grinned at me. "Tulip has been sharing observations about wagon design and the animals to pull them. There is a lot that goes into wagons and such."
    I laughed, "Stain and I have been discussing it also."
    Tulip smiled, "If you plan on spending your lives in a wagon then you need to make it a home, not just a rolling tent. It needs to be yours, customized for your needs. The same goes for your team. Mine are tough little donkeys. They will pull until they give out and eat very little. Which keeps my work at a point that I can care for my team without help."
    We discussed different aspects of picking out wagons and teams the rest of the break, until another horn blast rang out. Tulip stood and headed towards the front of her wagon. "Time to get moving again. Raven, time to put into practice what I taught you."
    Raven hurried to the front of the wagon and it soon pulled away from Stain and me. We quickly gathered up our gear and followed the wagon. The rest of the day was a blur of walking along behind the blue swirled wagon.
    That night we pitched our tents around the same fire as Tulip, at her insistence "You three are under my charge during the trip, we might as well share the fire as well as the road."
    "How long will it be before we reach the city?" Stain asked Tulip.
    She sat and thought a moment, "We will reach the main group in two more days time. Shadow's Edge is a day and a half travel from the main group." She picked up a garment and worked on a torn spot.
    We each finished setting up our tents and getting the campsite ready for the evening. Raven had cooking duty tonight.
    "I need to check on the smith's wife. A day of traveling can upset even a minor injury." Stain picked up his healer's bag.
    "Shara got hurt?" Tulip asked in a worried voice.
    "Just a cut. I had to stitch it up and apply some salve. It should heal well, I just want to be sure it is closed up tightly and healing correctly. Ott, come with me and pay attention." We walked from our campsite into the main campsite. "The wagons are always pulled up in this fashion. It helps to have the same basic layout every time. Everyone knows where to be and where to find everyone else. Also it keeps the camp tidy." We turned and walked towards the smith's campsite. Shara was tending the fire and the young child sat beside her. A massive man was working with some tools at the back of a wagon. He turned as we entered the light of the fire.
    "Welcome Master

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