A Coursing Passage (A Life of Magic Book 3)

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Book: A Coursing Passage (A Life of Magic Book 3) by Matthew Mitchell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Matthew Mitchell
Stain, Ott. Thank you for such a prompt response today." He set down a hammer and shook our hands. "I assume you came to look at Shara's arm?"
    "We did. I wanted to make sure it was healing correctly after a day on the road." Stain sat down beside Shara. "How is it feeling?"
    She grinned, "Much better, it itches slightly at times. I changed the bandage and applied more salve at the noon break." She held her arm out so Stain could examine it.
    He unwrapped her arm and I could see that the cut was healing nicely. The bandage had a small amount of blood on it but no pus or ooze. "Good, it is healing well. Change the bandage three times a day and apply the salve. When it runs out you should be able to leave the bandage off unless it will get very dirty. Again, any change of color or discharge and summon me or Ott." He stood up. "I think it should be fine after a few weeks. Expect it to be sore and tender for a few days at the very least."
    "Thanks again for taking care of my wife." The smith grinned and held out a small pouch. "Something you might find useful."
    Stain hesitated to take the pouch, "I already have an agreement with Gorcy for my services."
    The smith grinned even broader, "So you do. This is in appreciation for such a prompt response and for your kind manner. Many healers lack both."
    Stain nodded and accepted the pouch, opening it revealed a bunch of fine metal needles lined up. "This is a great gift. Thank you."
    The smith nodded, "With the way life on the road occurs I figured more needles would serve you better than me. Also you know Shara and Gena. I am Talbert. If you need anything metal we focus on that. It would be a pleasure to help you."
    Stain shook his hand and then we headed back to our site. "This is a nice set of needles. We will probably need them, just as he stated. A good smith is an important person in any situation."
    "They are both smiths. He works on the larger pieces. Shara works on the ones needing fine details. When they work together it is amazing to watch." Tulip was working on another damaged garment.
    "They gifted us with these." Stain showed Tulip the pouch of needles.
    She grinned, "Shara's work from the look. Those will last a good long while. She also makes my sewing needles, the best ones I have ever found." She held up her needle, it looked much like a miniature sword.
    Stain nodded and put the pouch away, "I have seen many such needles and these are some of the finest tipped ones I have ever seen." He sat down and looked around. "So, how many people are aware of your special abilities?"
    Tulip gently shook her head and grinned, "This is my family. All the adults know. The children lack some discretion so they just know I am the little, old, wise lady." She grinned at this. "There are a handful of special people throughout our larger group. I am the only one with this small group."
    "Are there any other healers in the large group?" Raven posed this question as she handed out bowls of a road stew.
    "Yes there are. However, I would say none are at the same level as Master Stain. We have a few healers who can deal with most issues. Having a fully trained healer in our midst will be a welcome relief." She looked closely at Stain and I. "There are a few people who have suffered long and hard that I would ask you to consider doing a true healing upon."
    Stain looked surprised, "Would this not reveal our own special abilities?"
    She nodded, "It would to a few. However, we can keep secrets better than most."
    "Then we will consider it. Ott may have to perform the healings at the time. He is quite good at such things." Stain made this comment with a lot of humor in his voice.
    "So, let's move on to lighter things. You made that last comment with a smile." Tulip pointed out, "What is the story behind such a comment and the smile?"
    I blushed at Raven's chuckle. "Ott has a way of making sure that when he heals the person is truly healed. I had broken my leg just days before meeting the group

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