
Read Online Firsts by Rosalie Stanton - Free Book Online

Book: Firsts by Rosalie Stanton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rosalie Stanton
Tags: General Fiction
jolt through his body, eliciting an excited hiss as his eyes widened and his hips thrust upward.
    “You like that?” she asked in a voice that barely sounded like hers, licking the sensitive underside of his tip. “More?”
    He growled, and her lips fastened around him, hand stroking, pumping, drawing him closer.
    Wesley's mouth fell open, but no sound came forth. He trembled hard and gasped, and the next thing she knew, a warm, bitter, salty sensation exploded in her mouth, and everything else fell on instinct. She swallowed and stroked, squeezed the head between her lips as her gaze absorbed his face. He shone beautifully. God, she'd never seen anything so stunning. His eyes rolled back, a long moan rushing through his lips, every feature alight with pleasure she could barely comprehend. Yet she had done that. That look on his face existed solely because of her.
    Savannah sighed and pulled back, his spent cock falling from her lips. For long seconds, nothing lived but his heavy breaths, his trembling body relaxing at last. And when his eyes opened and found hers with sleepy adoration, her heart twisted and fell.
    “You're wonderful,” Wesley murmured. “Wonderful.”
    She blushed. “Wes…”
    “So wonderful. God, Savannah…you're… I…” He grinned and cupped her cheek. “You're perfect. I don't… I can't…”
    “I mean it.”
    Savannah's blush deepened, and she forced her eyes away. “I…”I love you .
    He chuckled, shaking his head as if she'd said something adorable. “Anytime, love,” he said, winking. “And I mean that.”
    Somehow she didn't think he meant it in the same way she was hoping, so she smiled and hit his leg and did what she supposed a best friend would do in this situation.
    His brows waggled, and the tightening in her chest worsened.
    There was no way she was walking away from this in one piece.

Chapter Four
    The bell had rung more than ten minutes ago, but Savannah didn't feel the need to hurry. Her hand couldn't stop shaking for reasons beyond her; every time she dialed the combination to her locker, the damn thing refused to twist and open.
    Her mind refused to stop racing.
    “So do you know who she is?”
    It Savannah took a few seconds to realize the voice belonged to Paige, and she was the target.
    They didn't consider each other exactly school-chatty buddies and hadn't done anything but glare at each other during Wesley and the bimbo's thankfully short-lived relationship. Were it not for the fact that the hallway stood otherwise vacant, Savannah would have likely ignored the blonde whore completely.
    Instead Savannah swallowed hard and tried to choke back the sudden rush of Wesley-touched-you-the-way-he-should-only-touch-me bile. “Who are we talking about?” she replied.
    Paige rolled her eyes. “Umm…duh? Thorn.”
    Of course. Who else in the world would they have in common?
    Savannah inhaled sharply and turned her gaze to the ground as her clumsy fingers managed to pry her locker open at last. The day had gone by very much like the one before. She felt cut off from herself, thinking about how yesterday had served as both the best and the worst day of her life. After the gob-smacking epiphany of how she'd never felt as complete as she had when under Wesley's tender hands, when his lips touched her skin…followed by the pukeworthy knowledge that Paige had experienced it all first.
    In the long, depressing run, Savannah supposed it didn't matter. It would finalize tonight.
    He'd make love to her, complete their deal, and then they'd go back to the way they'd always been.
    Impossible. They could never again live the way they had.
    “As usual, Paige, I have no idea what you mean. Now if you'll excuse me.”
    “Oh come on!” Paige squealed. “You and Thorny are, like what,

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