A Civil War

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Authors: Claudio Pavone
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cited several times (cited in G. Carocci,
La Resistenza italiana
, Milan: Garzanti, 1963, p. 149).
    29 Gobetti,
Diario partigiano
, p. 122 (2 April 1944).
    30 T. Ruoti,
La lotta per la libertà
, p. 4. It is an Actionist-inspired pamphlet, written in October 1943.
    31 M. Mila, ‘Bilancio della guerra partigiana in Piemonte’, in
Risorgimento. Rivista mensile
, I, 25 August 1945, 5, pp. 412–19.
    32 These words occur in the article ‘Dovere di combattere’, which appeared in
Risorgimento Liberale
(Roman edition), 23 November 1943, and is built around the theme of 8 September as the reconquest of liberty.
    33 Schnur,
Rivoluzione e guerra civile
, pp. 48, 143. Consider, by contrast, this passage by Schmitt: ‘In war the adversaries most often confront each other openly: normally they are identifiable by a uniform, and the distinction between friend and enemy is therefore no longer a political problem which the fighting soldier has to solve.’ C. Schmitt,
The Concept of the Political
, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996, p. 34.
    34 A. O. Hirschman,
Shifting Involvements: Private Interest and Public Action
, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1982, p. 101. The same author has written elsewhere: ‘Creativity always comes as a surprise’ (
Exit, Voice and Loyalty
, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1970, p. 80).
    35 Battaglia,
Un uomo
, pp. 50, 104.
    36 Testimony by Vittorio Foa to the author.
    37 Gobetti,
Diario partigiano
, p. 258 (30 September 1944) and p. 57 (November 1943).
    38 Testimony by Antonio Bellina, worker, who had earlier emigrated to France (Bravo and Jalla,
La vita offesa
, p. 84). For ‘il divertimento’ (‘enjoyment’) in another emergency situation, see the censored letter quoted by L. Briguglio, ‘Clero e contadini nella provincia di Padova dal Fascismo alla Resistenza’, in
Società rurale
, p. 334.
    39 ‘Esperienza di un partigiano cattolico’, in
Voce Operaia
, newspaper of the Communist Catholics of Rome, 16 December 1943.
    40 Report by Del Gaudio on the events at the ‘Casone dei ferrovieri’ (‘Railway workers’ house’) during the battle for the liberation of Florence (ISRT,
ANPI Firenze
, envelope 3,
XXII bis brigata Garibaldi Sinigaglia
    41 The report, signed ‘Stella’, is preserved in ISRT,
CVL, Comando militare toscano
, envelope 5, folder 7. Stella was Alessandro Pieri, a carpenter and long-standing Communist militant, condemned during the regime (see C. Francovich,
La Resistenza a Firenze
, Florence: La Nuova Italia, 1961, p. 369).
    42 The English text has the words ‘near everything’ (p. 39). R. Katz,
Morte a Roma
, Rome: Riuniti, 1973, p. 56 (original edition
Death in Rome
, New York: Macmillan, 1967). The American writer follows with this comment: ‘If there was a lack of unity in action and methods, there was nevertheless an intensely felt camaraderie and a naïve faith in the goodness of the coming post-war world. No one, given the circumstances, would fight for anything less’ (English edition, p. 39).
    43 See Bruzzone and Farina, eds,
La Resistenza taciuta
, pp. 44, 81–2, 85. The testimonies are those of Nelia Benissone Costa and Teresa Cirio.
    44 E. P. Thompson, in Henry Abelove, ed.,
Visions of History
, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1983, p. 11.
    45 Calamandrei,
La vita indivisibile
, pp. 114, 116, 118, 129 (12 September, October, Autumn 1943, beginning of 1944). On p. 114 Calamandrei quotes these verses from
The Spoon River Anthology
: ‘To put meaning to one’s life may end in madness / But a life without meaning is the torture / Of restlessness and vague desire / It is a boat longing for the sea and yet afraid’.
La Nuova Realtà. Organo del Movimento femminile ‘Giustizia e Libertà’
, Piedmontese edition, n.d. (but 1945), I, 2, article entitled ‘Chi siamo’. Compare the dry, tragic tone of this letter by a member of the Greek resistance, tortured and shot by the Italians on 24 February 1943: ‘Since because

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