A Boy Called Cin

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Book: A Boy Called Cin by Cecil Wilde Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cecil Wilde
Tags: Gay romance, Trans romance, Contemporary
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me. Beyond here is where my vagina starts, which I imagine you know. I'm not going to show you, because I don't especially like looking at it."
    "Fair." Tom nods. "And that's where the no-go zone starts?"
    "Correct. I'm not going to kill you if your tongue or a finger slips; I know that's a possibility, so don't worry about it. Just don't do it on purpose and we're cool. Everything else is fair game, butt included, but please warn me first."
    "I wouldn't do it on purpose," Tom agrees.
    "You might have noticed that I've stopped wearing a binder all the time around you. My breasts are sort of a permit-holders-only area. You can touch them, if you want to. That's not permission I extend to everyone. I'm trusting you."
    By now, the tips of Tom's ears have gone bright red. "That actually means a lot. Not that I was desperate to get my hands on your boobs, but… you know what I mean, right?"
    "I do." Cin nods. "So. Questions? Comments? Revelations you might have had about your own body?"
    "I still kinda have trouble believing that you could be sexually attracted to me," Tom confesses softly. "Despite the evidence."
    "Well, I am. I imagine you've internalized some bullshit about your twenties being your prime and everything going downhill from there, and I can't offer you personal experience on that front, but I can promise that I'd rather fuck you than any college-aged boy on the planet. Not just because I like you, either."
    "But you do like me."
    "I think the fact that I agreed to spend the summer with you proves that. I try to avoid spending extended periods with people I don't like."
    "Weird." Tom wrinkles his nose. Cin darts in and kisses it, because Tom's cute and he hasn't had the chance to touch him in a minute or so. When Tom giggles, Cin switches to kissing his mouth instead and crawls into his lap.
    There's a moment of hesitation from Tom's side, like he's still not totally convinced Cin's into this, but he relaxes once Cin's on top of him and lets Cin kiss him, responding just enough to make it obvious that he wants to keep going. Cin likes kissing in a general sense, but he especially likes kissing Tom. There's something about him, and Cin couldn't name it if he tried. He thinks that, maybe, not a lot of people have bothered to see it.
    "I was gonna show you how to shove all manner of things up my butt, but I'm suddenly way more interested in making out with you."
    "As much as I wanna learn about that, I really like kissing you. We've got a whole summer."
    Cin laughs happily and curls his hands over Tom's shoulders, folding his legs around Tom's waist at the same time. "You have no idea how happy that makes me right now."
    Cin watches Tom eat carefully, not sure if he's imagining that this is the driest chicken he's ever eaten. They've mostly been living on pasta and things that can be cooked in a frying pan or come pretty much pre-prepared. Cin was starting to understand why, even though Tom had insisted that he more or less knew how to cook.
    "This is really bad, isn't it?" Tom looks up, face apologetic.
    "I wasn't going to say anything. It's not inedible."
    "I think that's an overly generous assessment." Tom wrinkles his nose. "And I'm going to order pizza, because this is painful."
    Cin gives an internal sigh of relief and subtly pushes his plate away. "I do appreciate the effort you went to. Honestly."
    He really does appreciate it, and he hopes Tom believes him. Cin's getting the impression more and more that despite his status and achievements, not many people stop to appreciate what Tom's done. He knows he's guilty of that himself, but he's trying to make up for it now.
    "I'd like to learn to cook, though. I mean, I wouldn't die if every restaurant in the world shut down tomorrow or anything, but I'd like to learn to cook well ."
    "I understand they have classes for that now. Not that you're obliged to take them, but if I had the kind of money you do, I'd probably spend a lot of it learning new things.

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