A Baby...Maybe? & How to Hunt a Husband

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Book: A Baby...Maybe? & How to Hunt a Husband by Bonnie Tucker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bonnie Tucker
Italian family.
    â€œI’m giving you the best room,” Rosey said. “It’s a corner room, with windows on the east, south and west. You’ll be able to see the sun rise and set. You’ll love it,” Rosey said.
    â€œOf course she will,” Kate agreed. “Only the best for us Erie people.”
    â€œIt seems like everyone is moving down here to Pegleg,” Rosey said. “And not one of the transplants is a Texan.”
    â€œYou’ll get over it, Rosey.” Kate smiled thenturned to Cara. “I’ve got to get home, but I’ll call you later. If you feel like staying here tonight and doing nothing, I’ll understand. It’s an incredibly peaceful place.”
    Cara picked up one bag, Rosey took the other and they walked side by side up the huge spiral staircase to the second floor, then down a long hallway until they reached the corner room.
    Rosey swung open the door. Cara took one look and knew she had come home. The room was bigger than her whole apartment in Erie. The four-poster canopy bed was covered with a white eyelet quilt, big, fluffy embroidered pillows and a lace dust ruffle. A colorful wedding-ring quilt had been folded over the back of a bentwood rocker.
    â€œIt’s beautiful,” Cara told her.
    â€œIt’s the way I had always hoped it would look.” Rosey went to the door. “Enjoy your stay.”
    As soon as Cara heard Rosey’s footsteps fade away, she pulled the sperm bank’s phone number from her wallet and punched in the numbers. When the woman who answered the phone gave Cara an appointment for noon the next day, Cara was stunned. “We’re open on Sundays. The doctor sees clients after church,” she said.
    Cara carefully wrote down the directions then left her room. A few minutes later Rosey had given her directions to the local public library. Cara sat herself at one of the computer terminals and spent the rest of the afternoon on the Internet researching artificial insemination.
    The more she read, the more excited she became. It really seemed like a viable idea. That is, if she could get through the not-having-a-husband issue with her family. And since the way she got pregnant wouldn’t be through sex, she didn’t think that would be a problem.
    The procedure itself should be a breeze. The way she figured it, all they would have to do would be to sell her a frozen vial or two. From what she read, she’d be able to fill up a tube, shoot it inside her and voilà, instant pregnancy.
    A flash of worry hit her when she thought about buying the semen and not getting pregnant the first time. But, when she thought about it, with her luck she’d become pregnant almost instantaneously, if not sooner. After all, wasn’t it true single women became pregnant without even trying, while the married women who were desperate for babies could go on for years and years without ever getting pregnant? Then, instead of taking a vacation and relaxing, letting nature takes its course, they went through in vitro fertilization. That was all well and good for them.
    For herself, though, she preferred the home-implant method. She didn’t think she should have to go into a hospital and undergo a long procedure, since she had no reason to believe she wasn’t fertile.
    Cara knew exactly the kind of baby she wanted, too. A cowboy baby. She’d even make sure her baby knew his heritage. She would teach him Texas words like reckon and fixin’ and ain’t, which everyone who had any kind of schooling at all knew weren’t proper words, but there were some, including Texas cowboys, who insisted on using them anyway. This would be so perfect.
    She had it all narrowed down. All she needed was to head down to the Noble Sperm Bank and look through their catalog of the eligible cowboys who had donated sperm. She would read their descriptions carefully. She wanted to make sure he had gone to college. On

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