Dead Endz

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Book: Dead Endz by Kristen Middleton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristen Middleton
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they want with her? We’re in the middle of a zombie apocalypse for Christ’s sake!”
    “Maybe they’re just lonely and want company?” asked Kylie.
    Henry took off his hat and scratched his head. “That might be true, young lady. Zombie apocalypse’s do crazy things to people, even brings out the loneliness. Maybe they just wanted someone to talk to. Or maybe they thought Paige was alone and in danger, so they took off with her. You know…to save her.”
    Kylie smiled. “Yeah. Maybe it was someone who really did think she was in trouble. There were zombies nearby.”
    “We’ve got company,” interrupted Tiny as he stared into his rearview mirror.
    A pair of headlights moved towards them from out of the darkness. It drew up next to them and stopped.
    “Would you look at that…” said Henry.
    “Someone put in a call for help?” smiled a familiar face in the driver’s seat of the ambulance.
    “Are you shitting me!?” hollered Tiny. “We’ve been looking all over for you!”
    Dave’s lips curled up. “Well, I ran into a little trouble along the way. Speaking of trouble, here comes some more. Why don’t you follow me for a safer place to catch up?” he asked, rolling up his window.
    They’d caught the attention of a small group of zombies.
    “Oh, crap,” grumbled Kristie.
    Tiny started the engine right as the four zombies stepped into their direct path. “Get out of the way!” he yelled, laying on the horn. “Or I’m going to run your asses over!”
    Kristie snorted. “Get out of the way? Like that’s really going to work…”
    Incredibly, the zombies did step out of the way and began gravitating towards the C.D.C. as if they had a purpose.
    Kristie frowned. “That was odd. I guess whatever’s going on in there is more entertaining than us. I wonder if we should check it out.”
    “Come on, there’s nothing happening in those buildings,” said Tiny. “Those zombies are probably familiar with that place and are drawn to it. Shit, maybe they used to work there in their previous life.”
    “Actually, mom, I think the zombies really understood Tiny,” said Kylie.
    “Honey, I doubt they have any thoughts at all, let alone rational ones,” said Kristie.
    “I don’t know,” said Henry. “What do we really understand about these things? Maybe they can understand simple instructions.
    Kylie giggled. “I wonder what they’d if you asked them to lie down and play dead?”
    Henry smiled and patted her on the head.
    Tiny started the engine and they followed Dave as he drove for several blocks until they reached an abandoned furniture warehouse. Dave sounded the horn and within a few minutes, a large garage door opened near the loading area. As they followed him into the building, several people watched their arrival warily from inside.
    “At least we know we’re not the only ones in Atlanta,” said Kylie.
    When Dave parked the ambulance, they watched as he got out and spoke to a tall thin man with glasses. After several seconds, Dave motioned for them to get out of the van.
    The man’s eyes widened when he saw Tiny approach.
    “Hey, brother how’s it going?” asked Tiny, holding out his large paw.
    “Let me introduce you, Dan, this is Tiny, Kristie, Henry, and Kylie,” said Dave.
    “Nice to meet you,” said the man, shaking all of their hands. “I’m Dan Schultzenheimer.”
    “Dan’s actually a scientist from the C.D.C. The one that’s been working on a cure for the zombie virus.”
    “Is that so? Have you found one yet, Doc?” asked Henry.
    He shook his head. “No, unfortunately not quite yet,” said Dan.
    “So, Dave, where’s the rest of your gang?” asked Kristie as she glanced around. There were several clusters of people from every shape, size, and nationality camped out around the warehouse, talking quietly or playing cards. They’d set up several sofas, chairs using lanterns to light up the dark building. Almost everyone was armed with some kind of weapon and

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