Motor City Wolf

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Book: Motor City Wolf by Cindy Spencer Pape Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cindy Spencer Pape
mating ceremony is before the end of December, you have my blessing. One day after the New Year, and you, Gregory, are exiled. Do I make myself clear?”
    “As crystal.” Greg’s voice was strained and brittle as ice. “Now was there anything else? We have an assassin to catch, and it appears my fiancée and I have to move up our wedding plans.”
    “Just this.” The old man stood and took a step toward the door, his two betas moving right beside him like puppets. His voice turned even gruffer. “Try not to get yourself killed. And bring the girl to dinner tomorrow. Your grandmother will want to meet her.” With that, he stalked out the door, leaving the others too stunned to speak.
    “Tomorrow?” George managed to croak. He turned to Fee. “Princess, do you still have the clothes you wore as Aidan’s secretary?”
    Fianna nodded. As personal assistant to the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, of course she’d been provided with an elegant wardrobe, including the proper attire for any kind of social event. Aidan had been kind enough to send those with her when she’d moved to the club, even though she hadn’t had a reason to touch them since.
    “Good,” Lana chimed in. “You’ll want an evening gown, but nothing too flashy. And, Greg, you’d fucking better have her ring by tomorrow.”
    “I’d intended to,” he growled. Fianna felt his chest vibrate with the sound. He handed her back into her chair and resumed his own before looking back around the table. “Meanwhile, can we get back to figuring out who’s trying to destroy the club and maybe kill us? It would be nice if we survived until Christmas.”
    “Ric and I were going to go question one of my informants tonight,” Desmond said. “He’s pretty up on what’s happening with new drugs on the market. Greg, you want to come with us?”
    While the others discussed investigation plans, Fianna listened without really participating. She didn’t know this world well enough to feel confident suggesting ways of interrogating drug dealers.
    Were she and Greg betrothed? For real or was it a ruse? She assumed the latter, but he hadn’t said so as soon as his grandfather left. Surely, he didn’t plan to keep his brother and friends in the dark.
    “Wait a minute, guys.” Greg held up one hand. “Go without me. I don’t want to leave Fee alone, not after two attacks on the building.”
    Lana shrugged. “I’m not going anywhere, not now that my date has probably forgotten all about me. I’ll stick with Fee. I can brief her on what to expect tomorrow at the family dinner.”
    Fianna glared at Greg. “I keep telling you, I do not need minding. If you have to go, go. Though someone might want to call the police first and report the break-in in the kitchen. Or has everyone forgotten about that?”
    Judging by the guilty looks all around the table, they had. Greg shook his head. “Okay, that does it. Des and Ric, the cops will want to talk to you, since you were the ones who let us out of the basement. Will your informant still be around in a couple hours?”
    Des nodded. “We can wait. Luther isn’t going anywhere.”
    Lana stood. “Meanwhile, let’s clean up this mess, so the cops don’t think we were having a party.” She stuck out her tongue and shrugged. “Well, maybe this time one of the cops will be cute, since I blew my chance with the firefighter.”
    Fianna could have sworn Des turned purple. How odd. Still, nothing was stranger than what had happened with Greg and his grandfather. An ache throbbed behind her eyeballs when she started to think about it, so she busied herself with the dishes while Greg called the police.
    It was pushing ten by the time the officers left and the bar was locked up. Ric and Desmond had already left after giving their statements.
    “Well, we’re off,” George said. “There’s a Celtic punk band out of Corktown called the Kreellers. We want to check them out, maybe sign them to play once in a

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