183 Times a Year

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Book: 183 Times a Year by Eva Jordan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eva Jordan
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slams the front door behind her.

Chapter 6
    â€˜It’s not a life, it’s an adventure!’
    â€˜Oh shut up Salocin,’ Nan snaps at Grandad. ‘You can’t apply that stupid motto to every bloody thing that happens you know. Having cancer is not an adventure.’
    I open the back door of my second home still seething about the bloody tongue piercing and smoking weed thing with Mum and catch my grandparent’s sort of arguing.
    I know what Nan means, Grandad does say that a lot, but he does make me smile all the same. Somehow nothing ever seems that bad when Grandad puts his arm around me and says,
    â€œDan chu worry sweedheart. Remember – it’s not a life, it’s an adventure.”
    Nan is right though, cancer isn’t an adventure but she still smiles at Grandad when he says it. It’s his way of trying to cheer someone up when they’re sad or down. Grandad pulls Nan to him and kisses the top of her silver hair. They have been together like, forever but they still love each other. Which is so cute. They managed to stick at it. Pity their daughter couldn’t do the same. Although to be fair it was actually Dad who left Mum, but she probably drove him to it.
    â€˜Cassie gal, how are ya?’ Grandad shouts when he sees me.
    Grandad puts that old style Frankie & Benny’s restaurant music on that they listen to sometimes and starts dancing and twirling Nan round the room. Nan pretends to be annoyed but she’s laughing.
    Everyone says Grandad is grumpy but it’s grumpy in a funny way. He moans a lot but it’s different to Mum’s nagging coz he makes me laugh. Grandad swears quite a lot too, much to Simon’s annoyance, which makes it all the more funny. His favourite words are “fuck off”, which he always says when he disagrees with someone or something but because of his cockney accent it always sounds like “fack orf”. Grandad says that all the kids from my generation are spoilt but I know he loves us.
    Freddy – Nan and Grandad’s black and white cocker spaniel – sits next to me and looks as amused, if not a little confused, as I am, as Grandad continues to spin, whirl and twist Nan around the room. If Nan was sad before I walked through the door, she isn’t now.
    Freddy barks enthusiastically at them both and I can’t help laughing along.
    â€˜See Cassie,’ Grandad shouts, ‘I wasn’t always a grumpy old git. Bit of a dapper dancer in the day ya know?’
    I sit back on their comfy old sofa, kicking my shoes off, curling my feet under my big backside that has too much fat dimpled junk in it, and let that lovely safe feeling wash over me. I can’t explain what it is but all my stress seems to stop at my grandparent’s door. No one is nagging at me to do this or that, or promising me stuff then letting me down. Everything’s just warm and chilled and safe.
    And they don’t let me use my phone when I’m with them but for some reason I don’t mind. I can’t explain it but it really pisses me off when Mum tells me to stop using my phone but I respect it when Nan and Grandad ask. Besides I don’t really mind coz I always feel like my head’s had a rest when I’ve been here.
    It’s not that Nan and Grandad don’t like technology though. Nan has one of those Kindle thingies to read with but Grandad still prefers real life books. They have a computer too, which they’re quite good at using. Except Grandad does get like, a bit confused from time to time and sometimes ends up shouting at it, which is actually like well funny. Nan has Facebook too, which is like dead embarrassing coz sometimes she posts things on my wall, then everyone takes the piss of me. I want to unfriend her but like, she’s my Nan and everything, so I can’t.
    Nan and Grandad like music too and love listening to me play the piano. They say music is

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