Your Soul Contract Decoded: Discover the Spiritual Map of Your Life With Numerology

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Book: Your Soul Contract Decoded: Discover the Spiritual Map of Your Life With Numerology by Nicolas David Ngan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicolas David Ngan
Tags: Body; Mind & Spirit, Numerology
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can be played out in couples, families and at work. You
    may play this out with the same group of souls in different
    incarnations down the timeline to experience all aspects of
    this energy. Ultimately, you as the ‘slave’ need to claim back
    your power by separating from the ‘Master’. This is often emo-
    tionally toxic.
    R: Resch 20 War to Peace
    1. You are experiencing intense internal emotional conflict
    which arises from the malabsorption of untruths from others,
    especially parents. This is in this lifetime and from unresolved
    conflicts your soul is carrying from past lives.
    2. These untruths are conflicting with each other, and as your
    system is refusing to absorb them, they sit in your subtle
    energy bodies creating havoc in your inner and outer life.
    3. This is extremely intense emotionally. You may experience
    huge emotional ups and downs as you go to war internally with
    yourself. it can also manifest externally in your life either as
    the physical experience of going to war or the metaphorical
    ‘war’ with another individual over a long period of time, eg a
    family member, partner or someone at work.
    4. This may go on for a whole lifetime until you learn that it is
    just not worth it, stop engaging in the conflict and walk away
    from it.
    5. This will happen when you feel sufficiently good enough about
    yourself, thereby creating inner peace. This will then manifest
    in your outer reality as a reduction and eventually disappear-
    ance of conflict. Your lesson is recognizing that you have a
    choice to either engage in the conflict or not.
    Tau 22 Ugliness
    1. The question your soul is asking you is ‘What is beauty really?’
    is it how you and others appear on the surface or is it how you
    feel deep inside about yourself or others?
    2. You may find this energy emotionally toxic as your ego may
    be in complete denial of your inner beauty. This can create
    great internal turmoil and pain, which plays out as destructive
    behaviour. You may severely judge yourself in the process.
    3. This number may manifest itself as a physical or mental
    disability or illness. There may be an obsession with physi-
    cal appearance that can go to the extreme of having plastic
    surgery to alter your outward appearance.
    4. This is all about your great self-denial and rejection. as you
    grow in consciousness, you will gradually learn to accept your-
    self. Then you can bring out the positive talent aspects of this
    number which, ironically, you have a lot of, but were initially
    unaware of.
    The Simple Letters
    The Double letters give birth to the third tier of numbers in the
    Tree of life called the simple letters. Each simple letter relates to
    an organ of expression within the physical body, an astrologi-
    cal symbol and to an action of expression .
    In the Soul Contract work, we handle astrology differently. If
    an astrological sign appears in a karmic aspect of your chart, then
    you are here to endure the negative expression of the energies of
    that sign so as to free yourself from its limitations and thus come
    into its positive qualities. as you transcend this sign, you will be
    able to draw upon the energies from all the other astrological signs
    in your soul contract.
    The 12 simple letters correspond to the 12 intersections of
    the star of David. These energies can never be completed. Their
    scope will expand as humanity grows in consciousness, and 12
    more will be born as we move closer towards god/all That is in
    Table 7: Twelve Simple Letters
    Twelve simple letters
    Samech Ayen
    Number categories
    Table 8: Number categories
    1, 5, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 22 more fluid symbols
    4, 6, 8, 11, 16, 19, 21, 22 more

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