Years of Summer: Lily's Story

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Book: Years of Summer: Lily's Story by Bethanie Armstrong Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bethanie Armstrong
Tags: Romance
and wait on me to get through. Please, please don’t go.” I was begging.
    He took hold of my arms carefully. “Lily, calm down. Yes, okay, I will wait on you.  Don’t panic.”
    I don’t know why I suddenly felt panicky. I felt like if he left he would never come back and I wanted him to come back; I needed him to come back. I walked into our walk-in closet/dressing room and took off my clothes and pulled on my bathrobe and grabbed my shower basket and towel and washcloth. 
    I walked out and he laughed.  “Well don’t you look cute?”
    “Promise you’ll stay?”
    “I promise; I won’t go anywhere. I’ll be here when you get back.” He smiled his genuine smile, and I knew I could trust him, no matter what. I walked out the door and down the hall and climbed in the shower. 
    It felt so good to have the warm water run down over me and feel like it was cleaning every bad memory and getting rid of the ones that would hurt me, yet very much fill my head with the good memories of the here and now.  I showered for thirty minutes.
    By the time I made it back to my room, my bed had been straightened he had put books back on their shelf where they belonged, my school books mostly.  He had also pulled me out something to wear. It looked really cute together. Wow, he was good at cooking (found out last night), cleaning and picking out clothes, even for me.  Wait a minute.  “Jace you went through my clothes in my closet?” 
    “Did I do something wrong?  If I did, I didn’t mean too.  I was just trying to help.”  He was really upset that he might have offended me.  Definitely something I was not used to.
    I laughed at him.  “No, you didn’t do anything wrong, I am just not used to someone treating me the way you do.” 
    I still had my bathrobe on and he pulled me down into his lap.  “Well you should be used to that.  I wish I had killed him when I had the opportunity.”
    “Jace, I’m glad you didn’t.  I would hate to come visit you in jail, knowing that it was me who put you there.”
    “Lil, you would have been worth it.”
    “Okay, new rule.  No mentioning of the past, ever, if it makes either of us unhappy or angry, agreed?”
    “Agreed.”  As much as he wanted too, he was sweet enough to realize that after last night’s revelation about Chance that it was going to take more time, so he kissed me on the forehead instead of the lips.  “Okay, Lily, get yourself together.  I am about to starve.” 
    I took the outfit he had picked out for me to wear and went into the dressing room and changed.  When I walked back out, I looked at the outfit he had picked out that I had put on.  It was more of a date ensemble, than a hanging out around campus outfit.   “Jace why do you have me dressed like this for supper at the Caf?”
    He grinned mischievously.  “Because Lily Grace, you and I are going to the movies tonight in town.  We are meeting up at the Caf with Chels and Ty, and Brianna and Dave.  The six of us are going to the movies after we eat.  How does that sound?”
    “It sounds like fun.”
    “Well then let’s get going.”
    “Jace I have to put on my makeup, give me about five minutes.”
    “Okay.”  Then he sat back down on my bed and watched as I put on my makeup.
    “I know you must be bored, but thank you for staying and waiting on me.”
    “I don’t know where else I would go.”
    We made our way down to the Caf and met up with Ty and Chelsea, and Brianna and Dave.  After dinner we went to the movies.  I pulled out my money; Jace stuck it back in my purse.  “My treat.”
    “Only if you let me get the popcorn.”
    “Okay, fair enough.”
    I really couldn’t tell you what the movie was about; I was too busy trying to battle with myself over whether I should let this go any farther with Jace.  Then Jace looked at me and took my hand and everything else went out of my mind.  I decided I didn’t care and that whatever happened would

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