Wrong Ways Down

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Book: Wrong Ways Down by Stacia Kane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stacia Kane
Tags: Romance, Fantasy
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in. Better targets when they was drunk.
    So not much point looking for Gav til late, and Terrible ain’t wanted to give him any tip-off by checking the place out ahead of time. Iffen he knew what he’d been look-out for he’d be extra scared of seeing Terrible around.
    Ben had started sweating and wringing his hands. Terrible lowered the needle a couple inches. “You certain that all you got?”
    Ben nodded.
    Terrible brought the needle down more, then lifted it back up. He ain’t liked teasing Ben like that, but he had to keep his attention, let him know he were serious. “You tell any on this? You tell any I’m looking, or what you gave me?”
    Ben shook his head so fast it almost made Terrible seasick seeing it. “Nay! Ain’t said to any, I ain’t. I won’t, neither. Won’t never say, I swearing it. Swearing it. C’mon, I ain’t lie on this, you got the knowledge I ain’t a liar, aye?”
    What knowledge Terrible had was Ben would lie as soon as look at him, iffen he thought it’d get him what he wanted or get him outta trouble, but he ain’t bothered to say. Ben knew it anyway. “I hear you saying on this to any else, you find youself tryin shoot up through a cast, dig? Ain’t fuckin playing here. You keep you fuckin mouth shut.”
    “Not a speak. Swearing, not a speak, not any, not to any.”
    Ben’s word weren’t worth much, but it was about all Terrible were gonna get. He couldn’t lock Ben up or whatany till he’d caught the motherfuckers pulled this. He only choice were to threaten hard and hope it stuck.
    So he handed the needle over. The sigh Ben made turned his stomach. “Better not be lying, Ben. I ain’t wanting come back here.”
    Just as he pushed himself through the pieces of the door, he stopped and turned back around. “I find the dude, an turns out him involved like you say? You get you credit back. Aye? But only when I finding him, an finding out you got true knowledge. Othersides that, you get shit.”

    He had to wait on the couch; sucked, causen he had shit he needed to chatter on. But Bump were still in bed, with a couple of his women. Terrible ain’t bothered learning their names anymore. Or, he ain’t bothered til they’d been around a while. Dames moved through Bump’s life—through he bed—like it were some sort of machine that created em; new ones popping out regular and then disappearing out the door. Terrible would disappear out the door heself at that moment, seeing as Bump were either sleeping or busy, but Bump had summoned him so would expect to see him when he came out the room.
    He’d wonder how it happened Bump were able to get all them dames iffen he ain’t knew from his own experience. Were easy to find a dame willing to fuck him if he ain’t cared who they were or why they wanted him. He had money, he was with Bump, everybody in Downside knew who he were. For some dames that were enough, and all they wanted was a couple orgasms, a chance to say they’d been with him, and maybe to be bought shit.
    Coursen, the fact that he made certain they got those orgasms were a help. He’d learned real early that a dude looked like he did had to offer something iffen he wanted to get laid, and dames talked to each other. 
    When he were younger he’d taken advantage of it, too, and he ain’t looked quite as bad then as he did now—still ain’t ever been much, with he big jaw and brow and mean eyes, but not so many scars and shit—so it’d been even easier. And he guessed he still took advantage of it, iffen he were honest. He ain’t had too much trouble, leastaways, finding dames who’d let him in their beds for the night.
    Only seemed like lately it were … not so much fun as it used to be. Or, still fun—coursen it were fun, what the fuck could be not fun about it?—but it were different. What he wanted were different.
    He ain’t knew for certain how old he was; he figured somewhere roundabout twenty-seven, or more likely twenty-eight, but for all he

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