Wrapped in the Flag

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Book: Wrapped in the Flag by Claire Conner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Claire Conner
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them. After brutal attacks, including torture, murder, and exile, the powers that be believed they’d snuffed out the Illuminati forever.
    But the brotherhood went deep underground and swore oaths to protect the Illuminati, even agreeing to be killed if they broke their vow of absolute secrecy. Hiding made the Illuminati strong, strong enough to disrupt the entire world.
    According to Welch, the wars and revolutions over the last two hundred years had Illuminati roots. They had orchestrated the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution, and both world wars. In Welch’s mind, even the U.S. stock market crash in 1929 and the Great Depression were Illuminati-causeddisasters. 12
    All of this mayhem had one goal: to bring about the New World Order. 13
    To me, the complexity of this conspiracy seemed impossible. “How did it stay a secret?” I asked. “What happened when old Illuminati died? How did Mr. Welch figure this out?”
    “Enough, young lady,” Mother said. “Do you think your parents would lie about something so vital?”
    Dad dug in his pocket and pulled out a dollar bill, which he placed on the coffee table, with George Washington facing down. He pointed to the left side of the bill and asked, “What do you see?”
    “A pyramid inside a circle,” I answered.
    He then instructed me to look at the top of the bill. “See, right there. It’s a floating eye—and a secret code.” The eye was added to the dollar bill by President Franklin Roosevelt, proof, my father insisted, that FDR was himself a member of the Illuminati conspiracy. “Roosevelt understood the symbol, and he knew conspirators around the world would recognize it, too.” 14
    The words below the pyramid, in the unfurled scroll, were another key to the code. Mother copied out the Latin words for me on a piece of paper:
Novus Ordo Seclorum
    “What does that mean?” I asked.
    Dad and Mother translated in concert: “New World Order.” (Though the actual translation of the Latin is “a new cycle of the ages.”)
    “You have to understand,” my father continued. “The president used the U.S. dollar to send a specific message.”
    All Illuminati members knew Roosevelt’s meaning, my father went on. The time had come for the biggest political coup in the history of the world: the violent merger of the United States of America into the Soviet Union. 15

    My parents went gung-ho into the conspiracy school of American politics. The story of the Illuminati and the codes on the dollar bill became key John Birch Society recruiting tools. Hardly a meeting went by that my father didn’t pull out a buck and tell the tale he’d told me.
    Gradually, the Birch Society refined and expanded its conspiracy theory, eventually naming the organizations that were pushing the conspiracy’s aims and compiling lists of conspirators. Robert Welch got the ball rolling when he published
Proofs of a Conspiracy
, a 1798 manuscript that described the “Order of the Illuminati whose select members became part of a conspiracy to enslave all people in Europe and America.” 16
    A few years later, the book
None Dare Call It Conspiracy
, by Gary Allen, explained how the Communists, international bankers, and other highly placed bad guys, men called Insiders, aspired to the same goal of enslavement. Allen promised “to present evidence that what you call ‘Communism’ is not run from Moscow or Peking, but is an arm of a bigger conspiracy run from New York, London and Paris.” For Allen, socialism was the “philosophy,” finance capitalism the “anvil,” and Communism the “hammer to conquer the world.” 17
    Out of this conviction, Allen identified a web of men from a host of organizations including, but not limited to, the ones my father always mentioned. The central one, named by all conspiracy gurus, was the Council on Foreign Relations. Allen insisted that the council, founded in 1919, had only one goal: “abolish the United States with its Constitutional

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