Worth Keeping

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Book: Worth Keeping by Susan Mac Nicol Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Mac Nicol
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little bit of a buzz and he remembered he hadn’t eaten much today other than the banana earlier and a slice of toast at breakfast.
    Nick regarded him darkly. “I have my key so obviously you don’t need to wait up for me.”
    Owen waved his can expansively. “I won’t. Socks and I will watch some telly then I’ll be off to bed. Enjoy your chess game .” He drank the remaining beer and belched. “Sorry. Little bit of wind there. Or should I say hot air.” He giggled.
    Nick frowned. “Take it easy on those. You haven’t eaten much today. I don’t want to have to scrape you off the floor when I get home.”
    “Like you scraped me off the beach, you mean? I’m sorry. I’ll try and behave myself.” Owen winced at hearing the sulkiness in his voice.
    “Jesus Christ, what the fuck is wrong with you?” Nick said angrily.
    Owen stood up, moving closer to Nick. Nick smelt like Lacoste, mandarin and fruit accents and Owen’s senses swum. He supposed it could have been the beer. Nick’s nostrils flared and his eyes narrowed.
    Owen leaned into Nick’s left ear and whispered. “I just don’t understand why you have to go all the way to town for a fuck when you have me here. I know you’re attracted to me, you’ve proven that once before. So what has Daniel got that I haven’t? Is he bigger than me maybe? Does he fill you up nicely?”
    Nick pushed Owen backward, causing him to stumble. He caught the edge of the table to steady himself. Nick’s face was white, his sable brown eyes pure ice. “You have no fucking idea what you’re talking about.” He spat pure venom. “So shut your mouth. Christ, I don’t know what possessed me to let you stay here.” He turned, picking up his car keys from the fruit bowl. “I can’t bloody cope with this. Maybe we should reconsider this arrangement.”
    He let himself out the door, slamming it behind him. Socks gave a loud cry of fright. Owen stared at the door then went to the fridge to get another beer. He was ashamed of his behaviour. Nick owed him nothing, had promised him nothing but his support and his home. So why the hell was Owen like this, insanely jealous of someone he didn’t really know being with another man he didn’t know. And he might just have been kicked out of the place he was just getting comfortable in.
    “I’m a bloody idiot,” he said to himself as he polished off another beer. “That man has gotten under my skin and I’m buggered if I know why.” He sat down with his beer, gazing out of the window into the darkness outside.

Chapter 5
    Owen was rudely awakened by ice-cold water being flung in his face. It was as if the sea outside had come in to say hello. He gasped, opening his eyes and retching as the water dribbled into his mouth, covering his eyes and soaking into his skin and hair. He peered blearily at the towering figure standing over him. A familiar pair of loafers stood an inch from his face.
    “Well, hello there, sexy,” he managed to gasp out. “What the hell is going on?”
    The feet moved behind him and two strong hands gripped his biceps, pulling him to his feet. “What the hell is going on is that I come home to find you passed out on the kitchen floor and all my beers missing.” Nick’s voice was a growl. “So you need to get to bed to sleep this off. I couldn’t wake you up but the water could.”
    Owen shook his head, waggling his fingers at Nick as the man held him around the waist and pulled him through to Owen’s bedroom. “I’m sure I didn’t drink them all,” he protested as he was pulled unceremoniously to his bed. “I think I might have left you one.”
    “Very good of you if so,” was the dry response and thankfully Owen heard slight amusement. Nick must have had a very good night with Daniel.
    “Did you have a nice time playing chess?” Owen asked coyly, determined to poke the bear.
    I’m a fucking sucker for punishment, too damn mouthy for my own good.
    Nick didn’t rise to the bait. Instead

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