Wolf Lover: Konochur (New Scotia Pack Book 2)

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Book: Wolf Lover: Konochur (New Scotia Pack Book 2) by Victoria Danann Read Free Book Online
Authors: Victoria Danann
arm, he stopped her in her tracks and turned her to face him. “Is that yer way of sayin’ ye missed me?” He could tell by the way Lessie’s cheeks colored that he was on the mark. “‘Tis nothin’ to be embarrassed about if ‘tis true. I’m no’ too bashful to say that I’ve missed ye.” He glanced at Lily who was hopping in circles around them. “Both.”
    She glanced up at him with a smile. “Are you staying for dinner?”
    “Aye. And more.”
    “I don’t understand.”
    “There’s no vacancy at the alpha’s house. Seems your tribe’s population explosion has created an unhealthy demand for space. Grey said to seek shelter with you.”
    Lessie’s eyes widened. “The alpha told you to stay with me?”
    “Not exactly,” he said slowly. “He suggested that ye might be amenable to a guest. Under the circumstances.”
    “I see.”
    Conn didn’t like the fact that Lestriv looked troubled by the conversation. “I can always go to wolf and sleep on the floor.”
    He noticed the tension left her face with that suggestion. “Well,” she began, “I’m sure something can be worked out.”
    During dinner, Lily entertained them both with stories she’d made up. There was one about a dragon who fell in love with a butterfly and another about snakes that could wind around a wolf and smother them to death.
    Lestriv didn’t know whether to be pleased with her little girl’s imagination or disturbed by the unusual turn of her thought process.
    While Lessie cleaned up, she listened to the pleasant sound of Conn telling Lily a bedtime story that had been written centuries before. Lily had a lot of questions. What’s a cobbler? What’s a piper? Conn’s explanations made Lessie smile to herself, as did his patience with Lily. Lestriv wasn’t blind to the fact that he created a warmth and a hum of life in the household that was absent when he wasn’t around.
    She knew what he wanted from her. He’d made that plain. She also knew she wasn’t ready to allow herself an attraction so soon after losing Jimmy. That and she didn’t think it would be healthy for Lily to get attached to adult males who were transient. Not that it wasn’t already too late for that.
    Those were the thoughts that whirled round and round inside her head as she helped Lily get ready for bed. As if Lily could read her mother’s mind, she asked, “Will you still be here tomorrow, Conn?” The expression on her face was so innocently hopeful, it tore at the heartstrings of both adults.
    He opened his mouth to respond, but Lessie answered. “Yes. He’ll be here tomorrow.”
    Lessie closed the door to Lily’s tiny room and made her way to the table where they’d had dinner. “How is the training going?”
    “The knights seem to be pleased enough. Sometimes I think they’re surprised that werewolves are clever. I can no’ figure out why they’d be expectin’ us to be stupid.”
    Lessie chuckled. “I’m sure they don’t think that.”
    Conn sighed. “The weapons they brought us…” His expression grew serious as he locked her gaze to his. “It will work, Lessie. There’s no question in my mind. It will work.”
    “I hope so, Conn. We all hope so. I don’t want Lily to grow up always looking overhead in fear, not being able to venture more than a few feet away from a structure with a roof. Although,” Lessie looked toward Lily’s closed door then leaned in, lowering her voice to a whisper, ”I’m not sure roofs would protect us if the dragons made up their minds on utter destruction.”
    That was punctuated with a shiver that raised Conn’s protective instincts, but also made him painfully hard. He attempted to surreptitiously adjust himself in the chair. He didn’t want to find out what Lestriv would think of the blooming big erection he’d sprouted just from watching one little shiver travel up her spine.
    He swallowed to find voice because his mouth had gone dry. “’Twill all be over soon. We’re

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