Wolf Dream
    Finally, Ian and Jarak entered the upper cabin. Ian scowled toward the front , hesitating before sitting down next to me.
    “What was that all about?”
    He leaned away from me, resting his elbow on the armrest with his hand covering his mouth. “Nothing,” he muttered.
    “Jarak practically tackled you back there. That wasn’t nothing .”
    He gripped my hand in his and gave a tight squeeze. “It’s nothing , Es. I promise you’re safe.”
    Safe? What was he talking about? “Ian , you’re scaring me.”
    He gave me his best smile with a wink.
    I rolled my eyes. I wasn’t gonna get anywhere with him. The flight attendant from earlier came up the stairs.
    “ We’re getting ready for departure.”
    I wanted to throw up. I really hated flying. Why did we have to fly? Whatever was going on with Ian and Jarak didn’t seem so important as I felt the first movement of the plane. I gripped the armrest and concentrated on breathing.
    The hair on my arms and the back of my neck rose as a cold chill swept over me. It was the same feeling of being watched like back in the Boise airport.
    The attendant continued to use hand motions directing us to nearest exits, but my mind blocked her out as I focused on my inner power to feel around me. I could feel Luna perk up more alert too, which made me feel uncomfortable. Something was wrong. I looked around me quickly, noting each passenger as I gazed over them.
    “What’s wrong?” Ian asked as he also looked around.
    “Something doesn’t feel right.”
    “It’s a plane, you never feel right on a plane. Remember?”
    I shook my head, looking everywhere but at him. “No, this is different.” Nothing was out of place that I could see, and I couldn’t feel anything with my powers either.
    I settled back into my seat. “Maybe you’re right. It’s probably just nerves.”
    The plane lurched as it stopped. I felt my heart drop with the motion. Every inch of my body tingled as the whir of the engines screamed. I was thrown forward a little as the plane sped down the runway and lifted into the air.
    I grabbed Ian’s hand and squeezed my eyes shut. Sitting backwards was definitely not helping me. My stomach felt like it crawled up in my throat.
    “It’s okay, I promise.”
    I peeked out of one eye. “No, I don’t think so. Right now, I am the farthest thing from okay.” I closed my eyes tight again and concentrated on breathing. Breath in, breath out. I could feel the plane level out just a little so I opened my eyes. “I really hate takeoff. I think that is the worst part.”
    “You did good.”
    I exhaled a long sigh. “Yeah, but I still hate it.”

    Chapter Seven

    Hiding Bodies at Thirty-Thousand Feet
    “Seriously? A freaking eleven -hour flight and only one of the upstairs bathrooms are working? What kind of crap is that?” I was so irritated. My eyes burned from fighting off sleep for the last nine hours on the plane and I was getting cranky, but there was no way I was going to sleep. Not with Nicholas and Meadow lurking outside my spirit waiting for me to let them in.
    It was dark outside , making it eerie inside the cabin. Not that I needed it to be scarier. I bounced in my seat as I tried to hold it in. “What the heck is taking Julie so long in there? Doesn’t she know there are others out here waiting? I bet she fell asleep in there on purpose, just to make me wait.”
    Ian lifted a brow, but I could still see it with the small overhead light I kept on. “You really think she fell asleep in the tiny closet they call a restroom, just to piss you off?”
    I crossed my legs and tightened every muscle I had. “Yes!” I whispered loudly.
    “Princess, I think you need to sleep.”
    “Ugh, I can’t! Not with Nicholas and Meadow waiting for me to dream. They’ll know where we are. Besides, can you sleep while you’re trying not to pee your freaking pants?” I couldn’t wait any longer and strode to the stairs. They were small and

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