With Vengeance
they’ll take one look at us and
know he’s also using for recreation.”
    Klement shook his head. His friends were more
important to him than his crop. “I’m calling them anyway.”
    Of course, the cops weren’t able to do much
except agree that the cat was likely roadkill. They couldn’t find
any prints on the box. They asked about suspects and motives,
which, aside from Cliff’s ex-girlfriends, there weren’t any. Then
they wrote down some info and took the copy of the security footage
Klement made and went on their way. They didn’t seem inclined to do
any snooping around the rest of his house, much less go near his
grow room.
    He buried the cat in his backyard beside an
aspen tree then lured his own two cats inside with a can of tuna
that had miraculously escaped his bandmates’ notice. He didn’t like
the idea of them outside with a psycho running around. As if to
reassure himself, he reached down and petted both Flea and Geddy,
gratified by their purring.
    By the time those tasks had been
accomplished, Cliff and Rod were passed out in their rooms and he
was too exhausted to do anything else but follow suit. The next
morning he headed early to the studio.
    Kat pulled up beside him shortly after he got
out of his truck. After last night’s horror, it was a balm on his
soul to see her smile as she exited her little car. He stood a
moment and simply drank her in, admiring the obsidian sheen of her
hair in the morning sunlight, the sparkle of her dark eyes, and how
petite and utterly adorable she was. Funny, he’d only been into
tall chicks before.
    “Hey.” He strode over to her, drawn like a
magnet. “How was your night?”
    “Boring. I practiced the songs and wrote up a
review on Deity’s latest album for the site.” She shifted back and
forth on the pavement, still looking shy. “How about yours?”
    There was no way he was going to freak her
out about Cliff’s disturbing delivery. “Same here. I puttered
around the house and tuned my bass. Are you all packed up to go to
my place?”
    She gestured to her car. He saw that the back
was full of suitcases and duffel bags. A lot more than he would
have thought necessary for a four-week stay.
    As if sensing his scrutiny, she lifted her
chin defensively. “I like having a lot of clothes.”
    “That’s fine. I’m not judging.” He laughed.
There was her spirit. Hopefully she was getting over all shyness
around the band. “You ready to shred today?”
    Kat opened her trunk and pulled out her
guitar. “You know I am.”
    The session went even better than the last.
Without the distraction of Cliff standing next to her, Kat brought
way more energy and focus to the songs. So much in fact, that
Klement considered having her play yesterday’s songs again and mix
them back in later. Or maybe even ditch the sound style he’d
imagined for those.
    Roderick stepped into the recording booth
with doughnuts and coffee, eyeing Kat through the glass as she
played the solo for “Fractured Dreamscape.” He grabbed an extra set
of headphones and listened. “Damn, she is getting
    “I told you so.”
    Klem couldn’t tear his eyes off of her,
mesmerized by the rapidity of her dancing fingers upon the frets,
her poise like a goddess raining down divine justice on those who
dared oppose her will. His cock twitched in his pants. Taking a
shuddering breath, he turned to Frank, the sound engineer, to see
the guy staring at him like he’d grown an extra head.
    Frank inclined his head toward the mixing
board. “She’s been playing for two whole minutes and you haven’t
nagged me about my levels yet.”
    Klement blinked. Was he so distracted that
he’d missed something? He gave Frank an indifferent shrug and
picked at a fraying hole in his jeans. “Well, you have them right
for now, and she’s staying on cue and hasn’t missed a single riff
yet. It’s a lucky take, don’t jinx it.”
    Still, he willed himself to focus on her
sound alone

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