With Vengeance
“Yeah, that sounds about right.”
    The buzzer for the driveway gate sounded.
Klement walked over to the intercom and pushed the button.
    “Package for Cliff Tracey.”
    “What is it?”
    The voice was gruff and impatient. “Don’t
    “Okay, hold on a second.” He pressed the
button to open the gate and turned to Cliff. “You expecting
    “No, but it’s probably from Jen. She’s still
not over me.” The singer’s mouth curved in a cocky grin. “Or maybe
Sarah. She knows I stay here when I’m working on an album.”
    Klement rolled his eyes. “I wish you wouldn’t
tell your chicks where I live.”
    Cliff put his hands up. “I don’t, I swear. I
just figured that some might have gotten obsessive enough to follow
me.” He walked off to answer the door.
    Roderick shrugged and rummaged through the
cupboards and found a bag of chips. “Man, we need to go grocery
shopping tomorrow.”
    “Fuck.” Klement slapped his forehead. “I knew
I forgot something.” He didn’t want Kat to see his empty
    “Hey!” they heard Cliff yell. “Shouldn’t I
sign for this?” A moment later, the singer wandered back into the
kitchen carrying a box and shaking his head. “Damn, that guy took
off fast.”
    “It’s late,” Rod said through a mouthful of
Doritos. “You were probably his last stop and he wants to get to a
party or something.”
    Klement nodded. “So, what’s in the box?”
    “I don’t know.”
    It looked like it came from the bakery, just
a plain white box with no logo or anything. As Cliff opened it,
Klement noticed that it also had no address label. But before he
could say anything, Cliff dropped the box on the counter and drew
back in horror.
    “Jesus Christ!”
    Rod leaned forward and gagged. He dashed to
the sink and threw up.
    Taking a deep breath, Klement slowly
approached the box. Inside, nestled in tissue paper, was a dead

    Chapter Seven
    Somehow Klement managed to keep his gorge
down as he looked at the cat’s remains. Thank Christ it wasn’t one
of his. Flea was black-and-white with medium long hair and yellow
eyes. Geddy was a fluffy rich chocolate with white patches and a
feather-duster tail. The one in the box was grey. And from the look
of the poor animal, it had been hit by a car rather than suffered
malicious torture or poisoning. A small relief.
    Still, it hurt to see a dead animal. He loved
cats. And who the fuck would send a dead cat to Cliff? That was,
like, serial killer shit.
    While the other two stood pale and shaking in
the corners, Klement closed the box. “Did you get a good look at
the guy who delivered it?”
    Cliff shook his head. “He just looked like a
regular delivery guy. It was dark and he was already heading back
down the driveway.”
    “What about his car?”
    “Didn’t get a look at that at all.”
    The singer resembled a deer in the
headlights. Klement clapped a hand on his shoulder and said, “It’s
okay, I’ll check the security cameras and see if I can get a plate
    Roderick rinsed his mouth before turning on
the garbage disposal and cleaning his puke out of the sink. “Sorry
about the mess, mate.”
    Klement nodded and turned back to Cliff. “Do
you still think it was one of your exes? Or are you already making
a move on someone else’s girl?”
    Cliff crossed his arms, automatically
defensive. “Jesus, even I don’t move that fast unless we’re on the
road.” Glancing back at the box, he let his shoulders slump. “I
don’t know, man, none of them seemed this crazy, but you
know women.”
    Roderick pointed a trembling finger at the
box. “What are we going to do with that? And should we call the
    “No way, man.” Cliff waved his hands like a
goalie blocking a ball. “I don’t need this shit getting in the
news. And we don’t want them bothering Klement’s girls. He may be
good with the medical marijuana requirements and have his
dispensary license, but you know

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