With Honor

Read Online With Honor by Rhonda Lee Carver - Free Book Online

Book: With Honor by Rhonda Lee Carver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rhonda Lee Carver
Tags: Romance
as he climbed inside his Jeep and drove toward his house. Jasmine was there. However, his friend’s words echoed through his mind. No matter which way he sliced it, Jasmine was his responsibility. Shane had a reputation for his way with women, but Shawn knew his brother would have wanted his baby cared for.
    Pulling up along the street in front of the house, instead of getting out, he sat and stared at the red door. He hadn’t seen Jasmine in over three weeks. She’d gone back to Florida, saying she needed time to decide whether she wanted to move. When he’d gotten the call from her that she’d decided to move to Texas, he’d felt a sense of relief.
    Many times over the last few weeks, he’d thought he should tell her the truth about his brother. He wanted to tell her. Dishonesty wasn’t a game for him. He only needed to protect his brother. Finding the truth about Shane’s disappearance had become top priority for Shawn. He couldn’t allow anything, or anyone, to interfere.
    After his self-pep-talk, he slid out of the driver’s side and followed the flower-lined sidewalk to the door. The house was quiet inside. “Jasmine?” No response.
    Her car was parked in the driveway and her purse lay on the table. Putting his keys next to her purse, he made his way into the living room, stepping over a maze of boxes, then down the hall. He peeked inside the extra bedroom, now her room. He’d found her. Sleeping. Her knees were tucked up into her chest and the corner of the blanket was pulled up over one shoulder. She looked peaceful and although he shouldn’t notice, beautiful. Her wavy dark hair spread over the white pillow in a silken wave. Her skin was pale, with a touch of rosiness on her cheeks, appearing almost angelic from the sun shining through the window onto her face. The shorts she wore had ridden upward on her hip, giving him a very sexy view of long legs. Moaning and rolling, she caused the hem of her shirt to come up, exposing her slight stomach and slender waist that dipped into… damn .
    He rubbed his jaw and cursed himself for the stirring behind his zipper. His cock stood at attention like an airman did on his first day at boot camp. He’d always considered himself a man with morals, but where had they gone? His intentions were clean…well, mostly.
    “Are you going to stand there and stare, or can I help you with something?”
    Snapping his gaze upward, he realized she’d caught him. How long had she been awake, and how much of his ogling had she seen? The lift of one corner of her mouth told him she found this humorous. Shawn wasn’t the type to get embarrassed, but he felt his cheeks burn. “I didn’t know if I should wake you.” With a kiss , he added silently.
    “What time is it?” She lifted on elbow.
    He dragged his gaze away from the view of her stomach, which he thought was just starting to show. Clearing his throat, he checked his watch. “Four thirty.”
    “I slept three hours.” With a yawn and stretch, she got up and he did his gentlemanly best not to check her out. That was no use. Her tight blue tee clung to her chest, giving him ample view of full, braless breasts. Her messy hair needed a good finger combing. He’d be more than willing to use his fingers on any part of her.
    There was a strong magnetic charge between them. He reminded himself of the harsh truth: she carried a child–and not his, but his brother’s. His missing brother’s at that. How had his life become a drama-filled mess?
    Before she slapped him in the face and told him to get the hell out, he removed his gaze and stared courteously at her face “You didn’t return my text.”
    “Was I supposed to?”
    “I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
    Slipping past him into the hall, she shrugged. “I’m fine.”
    “I see the movers got all of your things carried in.” Boxes overflowed in every inch of space. He was surprised his airman’s OCD didn’t interfere in the slightest. He followed her

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