Marrying the Playboy Doctor

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Book: Marrying the Playboy Doctor by Laura Iding Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Iding
broken. Like his mandible or his teeth.
    “Seth? My gosh, are you all right?”
    Kylie’s earnest expression was a little fuzzy as she hovered over him, but knowing she’d rushed to his side when he was injured made him want to smile. If his face hadn’t hurt so much, that was. “Fine,” he said in a gruff tone, embarrassed by all the attention.
    He’d have felt better if he’d gotten smacked after hitting a game-winning home run.
    She helped him upright, and damned if he didn’t feel a little dizzy. He tried to brush off the sensation, but as he took a step found himself leaning against Kylie.
    He heard the umpire making arrangements for a pinch hitter to take his place. He wanted to protest—because, darn it, he’d wanted to be the one to score the win.
    “Just sit down here for a minute,” Kylie was saying, as she led him down the few steps into the shaded area of the dugout.
    “I’m fine,” he said, taking the seat farthest away at the end, to stay out of the other players’ way. “I just feel stupid—like I should have been able to avoid getting hit.”
    “Why? Because you think you’re Superman or something?” she asked in an exasperated tone.
    He didn’t notice who’d taken his turn at bat. He was too focused on Kylie. In her casual clothes, jeans and a tight-fitting short-sleeved shirt, she looked beautiful. “You mean I’m not?” he said lightly.
    “No.” She took a cold pack out of the first aid kit and placed it against his jaw, kneeling in front of him where he sat on the bench. Her face was tipped up toward his, and he thought the touch of her slender hand felt much better than any ice pack. Her eyes were full of concern. “You scared me to death when you went down.”
    “I’m sorry.” He couldn’t seem to tear his gaze away from her luscious mouth. One taste. All he wanted was one taste of her lips.
    Whoever had taken his turn at bat must have hit a good one, because suddenly the dugout emptied as the MD players jumped to their feet, loudly cheering.
    He ignored them. So did Kylie. She stared up at him, and suddenly he couldn’t help himself. He leaned forward and captured her mouth in a sweet, intoxicating kiss.
    The moment her mouth parted for his he knew he’d lied. Because one taste of Kylie would never be enough.


    K YLIE dropped the cold pack and clutched Seth’s shoulders, surprised and then enthralled by his kiss. His mouth was firm, yet gentle, sensual, but very masculine, as he deepened the kiss. Every nerve in her body yearned for his touch, and helplessly she leaned in, exploring his mouth with a keen intensity.
    Everything faded away except the two of them.
    Dear heaven, she wanted him. Wanted more. Wanted everything he had to offer. There was a reason she’d tried to avoid this, but at the moment she couldn’t think of it.
    And then it hit her. Ben . Cripes, what was wrong with her? She’d run off to see if Seth was all right, and had completely forgotten her son.
    She broke the kiss, yanked out of Seth’s embrace, and scrambled awkwardly to her feet. What kind of mother was she that she forgot her own son?
    The baseball game was over. She climbed from the dugout, catching a glimpse of the large scoreboard to see the MDs had taken the lead with that last run. Spectators streamed down from the bleachers and Kyliefrantically pushed against them, searching wildly for the spot where she’d left her son.
    “Ben? Where are you? Ben!”
    Surprisingly, Seth had followed her, his deep voice booming above hers, helping her to call her son. “Ben. Ben! ”
    Miraculously she spotted him, holding on to his playmate Raelynn’s hand. She in turn was hanging on to her mother’s. Relief swept over her as she rushed forward, making her way as quickly as she could against the mob of people vying to go in the opposite direction.
    “Ben!” She enveloped him in a bone-crushing hug. Her apologetic gaze caught Marla’s. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t

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