Wine and Whiskey (Surviving Absolution #1)

Read Online Wine and Whiskey (Surviving Absolution #1) by Nikki Belaire - Free Book Online

Book: Wine and Whiskey (Surviving Absolution #1) by Nikki Belaire Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nikki Belaire
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growing ache in her heart.
Forcing herself to return to her accepted fate of being alone. “I’m sorry we
    “I know I should let you go, but I can’t.” He pulls her against
him and whispers into her hair, “Please don’t leave.”
    The rawness of his plea exposes a vulnerability in him she never
expected. Its simplicity revealing the purity of his emotion. He cradles her
head as she talks into his chest. “I feel out of control. Everything’s moving
too fast.”
    “I promise to take things slower. I’ll do anything to make you
    The faint ticking of the mantel clock provides the only proof
time passes. Wrapped in his arms, her trembling stops, her body softens as the
tension releases. This is where she wants to be, no matter how wrong it is.
“You’re tenacious. I know that about you.”
    He laughs before kissing the top of her head. “Oh, yeah? What
else do you know?”
    A small vibration pulsates between their bodies before she can
respond. He ignores the chirping phone, drawing her tighter against him. She
lifts her head and smiles back at him. “If you don’t answer it, Max will just
come for you.”
    As if on cue, a knock sounds on the living room wall. “Excuse me,
Nick, but Carter’s here. He’s waiting in your office.”
    “Thanks, Max. I’ll be right there.” He rubs his hands across her
shoulders. “Will you wait for me?”
    Pressed against him, heat races through her body. His clean,
citrusy scent and sexy smile weaken her resolve to resist his request. She nods
before letting him go.
    “Good. I want to show you something.”
    He grasps her hand and leads her to the lower level, pushing
open the door to a dimly lit room. Three rows of black leather sofas stacked
stadium style face an enormous screen. Small black and gold tables with
recessed square lights nestle between each sofa, the dark walls and furniture a
sharp contrast to the cream carpet.
    He picks up a remote and pushes a few buttons. Light flickers on
the screen, revealing an endless list of movie titles. “I thought you might
want to wait here for me. I’ll try not to be gone too long, and then we can
talk some more.”
    She can’t hide the smile his thoughtful gesture inspires.
Bringing her here, remembering what she likes, wanting to make her happy. “I’d
like that.”
    “What would you like to watch?”
    Unable to focus on anything but him, she shakes her head.
“Surprise me.”
    Bridesmaids flashes twice, and a row of women in pink dresses appears on
the screen. He picks up a gray afghan from a basket next to the sofa and
motions for her to sit down. After tucking the blanket around her, he runs his
knuckles across her cheek. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
    She takes a deep breath. Alone with her thoughts, she can’t
snuggle in and enjoy the movie like he hopes. Any doubts surrounding his
“alleged” status dwindle from their encounter today. Now, she sits in his
mansion pretending to watch a romantic comedy while really questioning her
sanity. She risks her career, her safety, even her heart being with him.
    Until she met Nick, she never thought she would stray from the
sheltered lifestyle her mom created for her, never deviate from the plan of
success that didn’t have room for anyone but the two of them. Now it’s a solo
life, with the yearning for more. For what Nick gives her. Choosing to be with
him could be her downfall. One of those fateful decisions, when looking back,
is easy to realize as an obvious mistake. But, in the here and now, he’s all
she wants.
    After a few minutes, Nick returns and sits down on the sofa.
Pinwheels twirl in her stomach as he pulls her close, nestling her into the
crook of his arm. The movie plays on, but her focus remains on him, his taut
stomach muscles shaking under her hand as he laughs, his fingertips skimming
across her wrist as they cuddle.
    The second the credits roll, she hops up, flustered by more than
his physical presence. Her

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