Wine and Whiskey (Surviving Absolution #1)

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Book: Wine and Whiskey (Surviving Absolution #1) by Nikki Belaire Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nikki Belaire
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with her here, bringing so much peace to his world. This could be his if he doesn’t mess it up.
    Shae’s buzzing phone interrupts their planning. She picks it up
and laughs at the message on the screen. “Uh-oh, I’m in trouble. Carrie wants
to know if I’m ever coming home.” She texts back, her
face lit up as she types. Almost immediately, her cell buzzes again. She laughs
again before holding it up for Nick to see.


    Marta glances over from smothering mayo on her thick, homemade
bread. “What is w-t-f?”
    Shae purses her lips together and pats Marta on the hand. “It
means she’s very intrigued with what I’m doing.”
    Nick hides his grin at Marta’s naiveté. Shae’s kindness toward
Marta matches Jason’s assessment of his friend. She looks after the people she
cares about.
    They finish their conversation while Max and Nick gobble down
their sandwiches. Marta stacks up the cookbooks in a tall pile. Putting her
hand on her chest, she tilts her head, studying Shae. “You good girl. You come
back and cook with me.”
    Her eyes sparkling, Shae pulls Marta into a small hug. “Thank
you. I would love that.”
    Fucking shit. He can’t help but shake his head and smile to himself. Marta’s
getting more than he is. He’s got to find a way to reach Shae too.
    They walk outside to the waiting limousine with his driver
standing next to it. “Shae, this is Jacks. He’s part of my security team.”
    She smiles at the man, thanking him as he opens the door for
her. As they drive, Nick lifts her hand to his mouth and kisses it. She glows
with happiness, the calmest she’s been since they arrived at the house.
    “You made Marta’s day.”
    “Well, she made mine too. My mom and I used to cook together all
the time, and I miss it.”
    He kisses her hand again and entwines their fingers, her ivory
skin and short pink fingernails so delicate against his. “When can I see you
    She drops her eyes as she smiles, making his heart pound at her
shyness. “You know I’m always at the gym at seven.”
    He must find a way for her to understand how much more he wants
with her. That working out together will never be enough. “Will you come over tomorrow
night and let me make you dinner? Sunday is Marta’s day off, so I’m on my own.
I’m not much of a cook, but I do have one good recipe I could make.”
    Jacks pulls into the gym parking lot, and she reaches for the
door handle as if she’s going to hop out before the car comes to a stop. “Can I
think about it and let you know in the morning?”
    Nick rubs the back of her hand, trying to soothe the uncertainty
clouding her face. “You’re like a little bird. Whenever I get too close, you
get scared and fly away. Please don’t be frightened of me.”
    Jacks opens the door and she climbs out, hesitating before
turning back to meet his eyes. “Okay, I’ll let you make me dinner.”
    She strides to her vehicle, not giving him the chance to say
anything more.

    * * * *

    Carrie stands in the living room doorway staring at Shae, her
green eyes sparkling above a wicked smile. “Is he naked?”
    “What are you talking about?”
    “Well, with that dreamy look on your face, I figured you must be
fantasizing about Nick.” She cocks her head and raises her eyebrows. “So, is he
    Almost everything her best friend says and does relates to sex
somehow. And, with Nick, it’s way too easy to let her mind drift there too.
Heat creeps up her cheeks at the thought of him wearing nothing but his running
shorts. “Stop it.”
    “I know he’s hot from his picture, but in person, is he really
as fuckable as he seems?”
    “Carrie!” She admonishes her friend, but can’t hold back a
smile. “Yes.”
    “Shae Armstrong! I can’t believe it. You really are thinking dirty thoughts about him!
What has this guy done to you?”
    Made her the happiest and most terrified she’s ever been,
destroying all of her normally logical

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