Read Online WINDOWS: A BROKEN FAIRY TALE by Casey Bramble - Free Book Online

Book: WINDOWS: A BROKEN FAIRY TALE by Casey Bramble Read Free Book Online
Authors: Casey Bramble
the knife for a moment when all could hear,
“even if Sarah had refused my offer she would still be worth more than any of
    Turning on her
heel and forcing Sarah to do the same with a gentle tug on the elbow, Raven sauntered
nonchalantly away.   She did not like
Patricia or her little sycophants in the least and thoroughly enjoyed knocking
them down a few pegs.
    After walking a
few steps, Raven grabbed Sarah by the waist.   Sarah barely had time to recognize the dance floor before being twirled
    “What?   I wanna dance.”   Raven exclaimed, noticing the look of shock
on Sarah’s face.
    Sarah let herself
be spun across the floor.   Which one is
the real one, she wondered as she studied Raven’s face.   Less than a minute ago Raven had been vain
and spiky, as cold and distant as the moon.   Now she was grinning, a sincere smile that brightened her face like the

                “La la la.”   The girl sang a nonsensical song as she poked
a finger at a new portrait that had appeared on the wall during the night.   Its frame gleamed with polish and the light
from the three remaining windows struck it at an angle that seemed to make it
almost glow.
                In the back of the room, the shadow
waited silently.   Soon its time would be
here.   Very, very soon.

sun peeked through the large window in the hotel room, hitting Sarah’s eyes and
dragging her out of a wonderful dream where she had been dancing with the
handsomest man she’d ever met.   With a
few words she wouldn’t have dared uttered in the company she kept last night,
the blonde dragged herself off the most comfortable bed she had ever slept in
and began getting ready for the day.   She
still had to pack all of her clothes and a five day ride to Valentria to look
forward to.   At least, she thought to
herself, she’d have a chance to ask Lady Branwyen a few more questions.
she was half way done, Sarah heard a knock from the door.   She opened it a crack to see Raven standing
there dressed in purple with a huge smile on her face.   Sarah wondered, and not for the last time,
how someone could be so cheerful first thing in the morning but instead of
asking, barely managed a sleepy hello.   Bursting through the door, already a full of energy, Raven fired off
questions rapidly, asking Sarah how she slept, if she was ready, if she wanted
blonde watched with blurry eyes as the redhead bounced from one side of the
spacious room to the other.   “Do we have
time to get some breakfast before the train leaves?”   She croaked, her mouth still dry and sticky
from the night’s sleep.
who was intently studying a painting on the wall, grinned crookedly and said
they had plenty of time.   “The car is
waiting for us down stairs.   I’ll see you
in a little bit.”   And just as quickly as
she entered, she bounded out the door again.
hour later, Sarah stood looking around at the dingy shop.   It wasn’t much but it had been her home for
the last five years.   She had worked very
hard here and eventually came to enjoy it.   With a final farewell she walked out the door into a new world.

they ate breakfast Sarah fully expected to head for the train station.   All of her meager belongings were packed in a
small duffel bag that fit easily in the seat between her and Raven.   The tools in the shop belonged to Mr. Jackson
so all she carried were clothes and few personal affects.   She resigned herself to the long ride that
was waiting, but instead the driver stopped at a secluded spot outside of town.   Both girls got out and after Raven paid him,
the driver left them

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