The Rake's Unveiling of Lady Belle

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Book: The Rake's Unveiling of Lady Belle by Raven McAllan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Raven McAllan
here, a friend of my sister.’ He raised one eyebrow in a gesture designed to invite confidence.
    Belle smiled. She reminded him of the cat who got the cream. ‘Correct.’
    He bowed. ‘Touché.’
    Madame Belle smiled and her eyes lit up with mischief. ‘It is rare I see that, shall we say, vindictive side of Tippen. I think you should be thankful she wasn’t holding her cutting shears.’
    Phillip’s hands automatically moved to cover his staff. ‘And deprive the ladies of my expertise?’
    The look Madame Belle now gave him would have felled a giant. What on earth was he doing? Did he have a death wish? Even though, under her gimlet stare, his body was on high alert, his pego demanding attention and the rest of him willing it. Was it wise to let her assume he was insincere in his attentions to her?
    â€˜If you think so.’ She sighed in the manner one would before chastising a recalcitrant child and dusted her hands together. ‘So, my lord, what can I help you with today? Another late mistress already?’
    He bowed, kissed her hand again—it was fast becoming addictive—and grinned. ‘Even I’m not so cavalier. I came to see if you were all right.’ It sounded weak and silly even to his own ears. ‘However, I’ll make sure you know who is next and when.’
I’ll need to tread warily and not send her fleeing from me.
    â€˜Thank you.’ She smiled and her face lit up with mischief. ‘For what reason?’
    â€˜Well hopefully I might be able to swell your coffers without you putting a needle to a piece of material if things carry on as they started.’
    Madame Belle laughed. ‘Think of my reputation, my lord—it would be sure to get out eventually. Be “Dressed by Belle” and lose your beau. Perhaps I’ll keep to my own status quo.’
    To say nothing of the fact my pego would shrivel up from lack of use.
Nevertheless he was determined they would keep in touch and she would learn to accept him in her life one small step by step. He had no certainty of a happy ending, but it would not be for want of trying.
    â€˜That would be a pity,’ he said. ‘Now are you sure you are all right?’
    She blinked. ‘Of course. Why should I not be?’
    â€˜Rosemary is a vindictive woman.’ Surely Madame Belle knew that? ‘I wanted to reassure you there will be no comeback over your actions.’
    She nodded. ‘So C…Lady Clarissa assured me.’
‘Do you know my sister well?’
    â€˜Quite well, my lord. She has championed me from the first.’
‘I see.’ He didn’t. ‘Therefore you know that our family mean what they say?’
    â€˜Of course. Now may I offer you a drink before you leave?’
    It was a wonder she didn’t hand him his hat and cane and push him out of the door. ‘Are you in so much of a hurry to see me go?’
    Madame Belle flushed. ‘No, of course not, how rude that must have sounded. I didn’t want you to feel obligated to stay, however.’
    â€˜I don’t,’ Phillip said gently. ‘As for a drink, yes a glass of brandy would go down a treat.’
    Belle grinned and he saw a carefree side of her, hitherto hidden from him.
Damn she
remind me of someone, but who? As much as he racked his brains the connection hovered just out of reach.
    â€˜Not tea and scones?’
    â€˜Not this time. Brandy and gingerbread perhaps?’ Phillip asked hopefully.
    â€˜Gingerbread with brandy?’ she said incredulously. ‘What a mixture.’
    He shrugged. ‘Why not? I like gingerbread and the building is redolent of the aroma.’ He’d scented the mouth-watering smell the minute he’d entered.
    Belle rolled her eyes. ‘Mrs Lovett’s baking day. Of which she has several each week. If you pour yourself a glass of brandy, I’ll get you some

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