Wilder, Winona - Choosing Love [Coming Out 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)

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Book: Wilder, Winona - Choosing Love [Coming Out 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove) by Winona Wilder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Winona Wilder
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from his arm, the cast on the other arm, and no doubt his face, which probably resembled roadkill. He felt like shit, like a Mack truck had run him over, reversed, and run him over again. His ribs ached where two had been broken. When he chuckled, he winced from the pain.
    “Shh. Don’t talk.” Waylon lightly ran his fingertips along his cheek, his eyes watery and red rimmed.
    When the nurse came in to check his vitals, he automatically pulled away, but he stopped himself and continued to maintain the intimate contact. “Hi, I’m Waylon. Cal ’s boyfriend. Will he be okay?” Cal wanted to cry. He knew how much courage it took his big, bad boyfriend to admit the fact to a stranger. It was one step in the right direction.
    “He got banged up pretty good, but he’s tough.” The nurse winked at Cal and patted his hand. After taking his blood pressure and temperature, she turned to Evan. “Are you responsible for him?”
    “We both are,” said Waylon with an authoritative tone.
    “Well, he’ll need to take it easy for awhile. No lifting. He’ll have to come back in one week for the doctor to check his arm and ribs. These stitches will need to come out then, too.” She bent down and examined the two inch gash over Cal ’s eyebrow. He’d caught a brief glimpse at himself in the reflective surfaces of the sterile room. He wondered if Waylon would still love him as much with his face marred. Waylon always told him how handsome he was, but now he had little going for him.
    “No worries. I’ll take good care of him.” Waylon sat in the chair by the side of the bed after the nurse left. “You’re moving in with me where I can take good care of you.”
    “That’s ridiculous," said Evan. "You’ll both move in with me. I have a house that’s paid for. No sense in either of you renting an apartment. We can pool our resources.” Be a family?
    It would never work. Could it? Cal glanced back and forth at the two men. They both seemed fine with the idea, which was ridiculous. Waylon and Evan never saw eye to eye, and with his best friend’s jealous streak, it seemed impossible for the three of them to cohabitate. But here they were, agreeing, some unspoken connection passing between all three of them.

    * * * *

    Three months had passed since Cal and Waylon moved in with Evan Hawke. Evan still taught at the college. Waylon attended but dropped off the football team, unwilling to associate with the guys that put Cal in the hospital. Most were on probation now and didn’t dare give Waylon a lick of trouble. He behaved and didn’t pick any fights, keeping his word to leave the past alone.
    Cal couldn’t face the place again, but considering the circumstances and the school wanting to avoid any bad media, they allowed Evan to homeschool him for full credit.
    “You didn’t finish the assignment, Calvin,” said Evan, peering up from the table and his pile of assignments to mark.
    “I’ll do it tomorrow.”
    “I can’t keep giving you special privileges. You have to do the work if you want the credits.”
    “Yes, teacher.” Cal kissed his forehead as he walked by to join Waylon on the sofa.
    Living with two men was easier than he imagined. They got along great. If the dishes were left overnight, no one cared. If they had leftovers for three nights in a row, they just ate it. With so much in common, it was like they were made for each other.
    “I’m not kidding, Calvin!” Evan stood up and marched to the sofa, kicking Cal ’s leg off the new coffee table.
    “Why don’t you spank him?” teased Waylon. His best friend lounged in just his boxer briefs, a constant temptation. Cal had only been permitted to engage in heavy physical activity a couple weeks ago, and he still felt pent up living with two of the hottest men.
    “Now there’s an idea. I’ll teach you not to hand assignments in late.” Evan dropped down on the sofa between them, jostling the cushions. He patted his lap. “Come on. Man up and take

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