Wicked: Tempt Me Not [Wicked Series Book 1]

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Book: Wicked: Tempt Me Not [Wicked Series Book 1] by Lily Graison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lily Graison
best she could. Her hair was soaked, as were her jeans. They'd be hell to peel off now.
    Hearing Devin move behind her, she grabbed another towel and turned, holding it out to him.
    She froze at the look on his face.
    Hunger. That was the best way to describe it and her insides shook when he pushed off the shower wall.
    A hobbled step toward her and she was once again swept away in the most mind numbing kiss she'd ever received.
    She dropped the towels, grabbed his arms to keep from falling, and moaned into his mouth a second later.
    The heat returned to her limbs instantly, her body aching to be touched and she wrapped her arms around his neck and held on. It's all she could do.
    His hands burnt a trail over her back, his lips sucking at her own before bruising kisses and small nips were peppered across her jaw.
    "I wasn't finished with you,” Devin said. “I'm just getting started."
    His hands were everywhere, his mouth marking her flesh with each kiss and she was powerless to stop him. She was putty in his hands by the time he started pushing her jeans down over her hips.
    "Devin,” she said, gulping in air and opening her eyes.
    Devin raised his head, looking down the length of her body. “Do you know how long it's been since I've seen a naked woman?"
    Holly shook her head, unable to speak.
    "Over a year. Over a year since anyone has touched me. I want you, Holly. I want to feel you underneath me and taste you when you come."
    "Oh god."
    [Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter 7
    Holly managed to get them both out of the shower and dried, wrapping towels around them both, before helping Devin back to the living room.
    Awkward silence filled the room and she found it hard to look at him. He wanted to have sex with her and would have been happy to do so in the shower if she would have let him.
    She convinced him it was a bad idea. He could barely stand. How in the world was he going to have sex standing up?
    He'd bought her explanation with only a mere complaint and moved in on her the second they reached the living room.
    She had a brief thought of spending the next few hours sweating and screaming out his name. She was sure that was exactly what he had in mind but where did that leave them then?
    There was still over a week of her vacation left. Could she spend it being some wanton fangirl?
    She evaded his hands, putting enough distance between them that he couldn't reach her without taking a few steps on his own.
    Her gaze swept over him. His towel hung low on his hips, barely covering what it needed to, and her mouth watered instantly.
    Lord knows she wanted to. She'd spend the next week being his plaything and have only one regret. It was the regret she couldn't get past.
    "You're thinking too hard again,” Devin grinned.
    Holly looked away. “I know."
    "What's going through your head?"
    "I just don't know if I want..."
    "Want what?” he asked when she stopped talking.
    "If I want to be another notch in your belt,” she said, looking up at him.
    "Who says you will be?"
    She laughed and shook her head, turning toward the kitchen and going straight for the refrigerator. The contents were the same as they were this morning but she needed something to do besides look at him. He was too distracting.
    "I'm not so delusional to know that when I leave here, you'll probably forget my name by weeks end. I'm just not so sure I can live with that."
    "And if I don't?"
    She grinned and looked over her shoulder. “What's the name of the last girl you slept with?"
    Devin stared at her and had half a mind to just throw a random name out. She had him, and by the look on her face, she knew it. “Does it matter?"
    "To me it does,” she said.
    He nodded his head and sighed. “All right, you win. I don't know what her name was. Granted, I barely even remember it I was so drunk, but you wanted to know so there. I don't know who she was."
    "And do you think she would care that you don't remember her?"
    He shrugged his shoulder.

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