Love Inspired Suspense May 2015 #2

Read Online Love Inspired Suspense May 2015 #2 by Debra Cowan, Susan Sleeman, Mary Ellen Porter - Free Book Online

Book: Love Inspired Suspense May 2015 #2 by Debra Cowan, Susan Sleeman, Mary Ellen Porter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Debra Cowan, Susan Sleeman, Mary Ellen Porter
Tags: Love Inspired Suspense
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trembling. “Go talk to Cash. I’ll be right out.”
    She didn’t give Opa a chance to argue, but slipped into her bedroom, closing the door behind her. The reality of her attack settled in. She couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t move. She sank to the floor. Panic threatened to take her over the edge.
    No. Focus on the fact that you survived.
    But what if Cash hadn’t arrived in time?
She couldn’t dwell on that. She had to find the strength to hold it together for Opa. The man she’d just verbally attacked in the hallway. The man she would never want to hurt. She had to apologize to him. Not yet. Not while she was still this upset.
    She sat for uncounted minutes, crying and waiting until the trembling subsided. She crawled to the bed, slid her gun underneath, then pulled herself up by the thick post. In the bathroom, she splashed water over her face, willing her tears to stop before her eyes became swollen and red. She ran a comb through her hair, her scalp tender from the attack. After a few deep cleansing breaths, she stepped into the hallway.
    The aroma of fresh coffee greeted her. She found Cash and Opa sitting at the small table in the kitchen. Opa poured his favorite blend of rich, dark coffee from a popular German company. Cash had hung his jacket on his chair as if he intended to stay for some time. He wore jeans, scuffed cowboy boots and a tan waffle-weave shirt that brought out his dark hair. The casual attire should make him look less threatening, but he seemed even more deadly intense. The weapon holstered at his side added to the look. He took a sip of his coffee and grimaced before grabbing the cream.
    â€œNot to your liking?” Opa’s eyes twinkled.
    Cash cleared his throat. “In my home state of Texas, they’d think it was the thick sludge from oil wells.”
    â€œBut it is good, no?” Opa replied.
    â€œIt takes some getting used to.” Krista stepped into the room. “But after a while, you wonder how you could have enjoyed anything else.”
    Cash set the cup down and ran his gaze over her. “You aren’t hurt?”
    â€œNo.” Her legs still shaky, she sat across from him. “When you called out, the guy ran.”
    â€œAny idea who it was?”
    She shook her head and took the cup Opa offered. “I was sleeping on the couch when a noise woke me up and I saw him looking in the coat closet. I tried to stop him, but—”
    â€œYou tried to stop him,” Cash’s words shot out. “Why in blazes would you do that?”
    She sat back from his harsh tone.
    â€œSorry, I didn’t mean to yell at you, but come on, Krista. The guy could’ve hurt you. You should have run out the door while you had the chance.”
    She didn’t like his bossiness, but she had to admit she liked hearing her name tumble off his lips. Despite his frustration, it came out honey warm and smooth in his Southern drawl.
“I wouldn’t leave Opa behind.”
    Opa smiled at her. “As I wouldn’t leave you, Liebchen.”
    Cash wrapped long fingers around his mug, gripping it tight enough to turn his fingers white. “So what happened next?”
    â€œWe fought,” she said vaguely so she wouldn’t have to mention her gun. “He dragged me to the front door like he planned to abduct me. You arrived, and he ran off.”
    Cash ground his teeth for a moment. “You’re sure you didn’t recognize this man?”
    â€œHe was the right size for the bomber, but it was dark and he wore a ski mask so...” She shrugged.
    â€œI caught a quick look at him as he fled and agree that he fits your description of the bomber.” Cash paused and took a sip of the coffee. He looked as if he wanted to grimace but held it back.
    â€œIt is okay if you do not like the coffee, Cash.” Opa smiled. “I will not hold it against you.”
    â€œHey.” Cash’s tone

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