Whiskey Sour
reasonable rate.”
    Spots danced in front of my eyes , and visions of the methods of payment Nick would demand flitted through my mind.
    “I’m not sure I can afford your rent,” I finally managed to get out.
    “That’s okay. I’m sure we could come up with some kind of deal that would be mutually satisfying to both of us.”
    He paused a minute to kiss me , his tongue stroking mine in a way that told me Nick would be the type of man who left no stone unturned when it came to bedding a woman. He’d be a vaginal Magellan.
    “Very satisfying, ” he said, breaking the kiss.
    His breathing was slow and measured , but I could see the pulse drumming in his throat. The blue of his eyes had darkened to the color of a stormy sky, and I could feel him hard and ready against me.
    “I think I need to go now,” I said, backing into the open car door until I fell into the driver’s seat. I could barely remember my name, much less about my plan to find a new apartment. If I didn’t get out of here soon, I’d be renting Nick’s empty side of the bed after all.
    “You bet.”
    I started the car and pulled out of my parking space while Nick gave me a smile that had all my lady parts dusting off the cobwebs and primping in front of a mirror. It had been a while since I’d had a lover, and I hoped I could even remember what to do. Staying away from him would certainly keep me from a potentially embarrassing situation. Or maybe I could just get him drunk first. There was nothing quite as daunting as going to bed with someone for the first time. Not that I wasn’t willing to try.

    I t turns out Savannah is an expensive place to live.
    By the time I got back to the agency, I was glistening—because southern women don’t sweat—and I was wondering where all the decent slumlords were in the world, because it sure as hell wasn’t here.
    I’d walked through some of the most hideous excuses for safe lodging I’d ever seen—which was saying a lot considering my previous apartment building—and the prices for rent were sky high. I’d also been propositioned twice and pinched on the ass by a man who had fur coats growing from his armpits and a piece of spinach stuck between his two front teeth. At least I hoped it was spinach.
    When I entered the front door of the agency, Lucy Kim stared at me as if she expected the plagues to follow me in, which in all fairness, I probably deserved. But to me, a little garbage stink wasn’t quite on par with being devoured by locusts.
    “Morning, Lucy.”
    Lucy never bothered with unnecessary conversation. She was the strong, silent type, and she jerked her thumb toward the door telling me to go on in to Kate’s office while she continued typing away on her computer.
    “ Always nice talking to you,” I said as I headed to the inner offices.
    I stopped halfway down the hallway and felt the sudden urge to kick Jimmy Royal square in his baby maker. Jimmy was an ex-cop like Kate who’d only put in a few years on the force because he’d gotten tired of all the political bullshit and red tape. He was second in command here, and normally he was a decent guy. Except he lived to torment me. If we’d been in grade school I would’ve thought he had a crush on me, but he was happily married with a couple of kids, so I knew that wasn’t it.
    Cops were a strange breed, with a sense of humor that took some getting used to. It’s why so many of them ended up divorced. They were kind of high maintenance on a personal level, but since I’d been around cops since the womb, I was used to the oddities.
    “Jimmy Royal,” I yelled through his office door after I’d twisted the knob to find it locked. “You get out here and take this sign down.”
    There was a chalkboard hanging on a nail just outside his door that said:
    It’s been 0 days since Addison Holmes had an accident
    Jimmy had been putting the board up since I’d started working for

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