While Angels Slept

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Book: While Angels Slept by Kathryn Le Veque Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathryn Le Veque
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was watching her mouth as she spoke. It was delightful and captivating.  He
further realized that she had the same lisp that her son had, though it was barely
detectable. He’d never noticed before, but it was something that made her all
the more charming.  He shoved another piece of meat into his mouth, praying his
growing interest in her wasn’t obvious.
interesting,” he said. “In that respect, your family and mine share something
in common. We are both of noble lineage predating William’s conquest.”
    “May I beg you
to tell me of your family’s line, my lord?”
    He swallowed the
bite in his mouth. “It is rather complicated, but suffice it to say that my
grandsire, several generations back, was the second son of the last king of East
Anglia. My father held the title Viscount Winterton, heir apparent to the
Earldom of East Anglia. “
    “How are you
related to the seated Earl of East Anglia, then?”
    “Geoffrey de
Gael, the current earl, is my cousin.  My father’s mother was Geoff’s father’s
sister.  My father inherited the heir apparent title through his mother, as the
next eligible male in the line.  When he died, I inherited it.”
    “I see,” she
nodded thoughtfully. “Noble lineages are often very confusing. For example, there
is no seated earl of Kent, which is why I married the stewards of the ancient
    “I know.”
    He understood the
progression of lineage better than she did but he found it rather touching that
she felt the need to explain her position as if he would not have understood the
workings of Anglo-Saxon nobility. Reflexively, he smiled at her and she smiled
back. It brought him such a feeling of warmth that he just as quickly quelled
the gesture by shoving more food in his mouth.
    “Something to
consider now is the fact that your son has inherited any titles that your
husband may have held.” He couldn’t believe he’d brought Brac into the
conversation when he’d tried so hard to keep away from the subject. He watched
her reaction carefully.
she didn’t seem to dampen. She merely nodded her head. “Charles holds all of
the titles for the time being,” she said. “Hunt will inherit them upon his
    “Speaking of
which, where is Charles?”
    She shook her
head. “I’ve not seen him all day. But I am sure he is well, else we would have
heard otherwise. “
    Tevin eyed her
as he finished the remainder of his beef. “You do not get on well with him, do
    She shrugged,
careful of what she said with little ears present. “We have always accepted one
    Tevin let it go.
He could see there was more to it but it frankly wasn’t any of his business.  He
turned back to the remainder of his food, nodding his head in thanks when
Cantia poured what was left of the wine into his cup.
    “What is to
happen now, my lord?” she asked softly as she reclaimed her stool. “Is there to
be more battle?”
    Tevin drained
his cup, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “I do not know, my lady,”
he said honestly. “Since Rochester is closer to Dartford than my own castle, I
suspect I will stay here for the time being to protect the crossing. Beyond
that, however, I do not know.”
    “Do you not have
a family that will miss you?” she asked. “Perhaps you should bring them here
for the duration of your stay.”
    He looked at
her, strangely startled by the question. It was a personal inquiry, though he
could see by the look on her face that she’d not meant it as such.  For the
first time since he’d met her, he actually felt uncomfortable.
    “No need,” he
said shortly, wanting very much off the subject. He abruptly stood up. “My
lady, I thank you very much for the meal and conversation.  If it would not be
too much to ask, I would visit the wounded and be apprised of their
    He seemed edgy
and Cantia stood up with him, wondering what she said to upset him so.  Without
another word, she

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