
Read Online AnyasDragons by Gabriella Bradley - Free Book Online

Book: AnyasDragons by Gabriella Bradley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gabriella Bradley
Tags: Fantasy, erotica, erotic romance, shapeshifter, dragons
of years that a queen shall sit upon the throne. I will be choosing council members, guards and servants in the coming days, and I will be making new laws.”
    “Princess Anya, where have you been? Who are the barbarians at your side?” a bold man shouted.
    She raised her arms and waited for the tumult to cease. “These barbarians are my personal guards. They are dragon men. They saved my life. If it weren’t for them and the dragon folks, I would not be standing before you this day. I forbid anyone to call them barbarians. They are a civilized people, as you will soon discover for yourself when they move among us.”
    She told them about her rescue, about her experience living with the dragon folk, but she left out that the two men had lied to her about the aliens being gone. She also didn’t leave out her father’s role in alienating them from the dragon people or why.
    “So the king lied to us all these years?” the same man shouted.
    “Yes. He did.”
    “We can live in peace with the dragon people? There are no giants in the forest, no monsters?”
    “There are beasts in the forest called Gonks. They will kill a human in seconds, and even a dragon man or woman. That was no lie. There are no giants except for the dragon people. Would you call the men at my side giants?”
    “They’re very big compared to us.”
    “Yes, they are. Our race is small in size. Apparently, we all have the ability to shift into dragons and to use magick. The king had a spell placed upon the whole population to stop our shifting and magical abilities. Some of the older generation should know about these abilities but were forbidden to speak of them. Their punishment was to be death if they broke their vow of silence. We are dragons. Much smaller than Cyton and Yerith’s people, but nevertheless, we are also dragons and therefore their kin. Uleirlel, their medicine woman and one of the old ones, is working with our sorcerer to remove the spell. It won’t be long and we’ll all be one nation again.”
    Anya talked for a long time. She told them everything from when she’d fled the castle to the present. She left out the part that her two protectors had lied and kept her as their personal slave.
    “Couriers will be sent out to all the clans on the planet to announce what I have said this day and to tell them of the new laws. There shall be peace on our planet among all living beings. A man may have two wives, and a woman two husbands. There is no exception. It is one or the other. There shall be no separation of women from men, and no hiding of the royal descendants. These are but a few of my new laws that will go into effect after I’m crowned.”
    “When will the crowning take place?” a woman shouted.
    “As soon as I’ve chosen a new council. Councilman Jakea, being an elder, will be head of the council. The crowning will take place within a few days. All the people of Vorcia are invited to the celebrations that will be held in the courtyard and the field outside the gates. Thank you all for cleaning up after the invasion. From hence on we will be protected from the aliens. The Timeless One promised me he would set in place the spell that protects our planet from such. Go in peace.”
    Addressing the people had taken a lot more out of her than she expected. Was that what being a queen was all about? She was exhausted. All she wanted to do was sleep.
    Anya retreated into the castle to her quarters. Solina started to follow her in but Anya waved her away. “Solina, go be with your loved ones. I want to be alone.”
    But did she really want to be alone? She needed her men. Turning around, she opened the doors and told Cyton and Yerith to come into her chamber.
    “Yes, Princess,” Cyton said and bowed his head.
    “Stop it. I need you both. I’m not sure I’m ready to be a queen.”
    “Anya, you were born to be a queen,” Yerith said.
    “You think so?”
    “Oh yes, my love, we think so,” Cyton told her.
    She relaxed

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