When Cithians Attack

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Sayis representative, \the Minotaur
Sayis representative, Kasey Williams the Darkness Sayis
representative, Trace Woolsley the Hydra Sayis representative,
Tovar row Simmons IV
    the Cerberus Sayis representative,
and Blade Woolsley the Qysterio Sayis representative.” Karrithea looked up.
    “Parser, you may read now.” Jamie
    “The second structural thing was the
Sayis’ themselves. There are two sides to the Sayis’. The Servants
of Light and the Warriors of Darkness. Elwoods Bolto was the first
Alien to become a Cithian. He is Sedro Sayis and the Leader of the
Servants of Light. The second Sayis is Gator Sayis, which used to
be Gadrid Markson but since he died in the war of Darkomega, Alex
Crop is the new Gator Sayis. Pedro Jerricus is Light Sayis. Bradley
Greenson is Minotaur Sayis.
    The Warriors of Darkness’ leader is
Darkness Sayis, which is Furliceo Woolsley. Hydra Sayis is Gaze
Woolsley. Cerberus Sayis is Klade Woolsley. Qysterio Sayis is Blaze
Woolsley.” Parser read.
    “And that’s the end of the lesson. Any
questions?” Jamie said.
    “Yeah. What’s the Warrior Council?” I
    “The Warrior Council is a group of 5
people who handle misdemeanor crimes. It is comprised of Crystal
Crop the head, Gaser Woolsley, Curlicea Woolsley, Elmer Books,
and Baser Woolsley.” Jamie said.
    “Why do you teach about the Sayis’?” I
    “I teach about the Sayis in the hope that their
example will invoke strong enough messages to bring to pass more
Good Sayis’ in the near future. Class dismissed.” Jamie said.
Jamie’s classroom door opened. Kaiser stood in the
    “It’s time for us to switch. I get the Dragons
of Light and you get the Servants of the Sayis.”
    Kaiser lead us to a door with two swords in the
form of an x carved nicely into it, and turned around to the front
of us. As we all gathered around him, an orb appeared. Kaiser
grabbed the key out of it. He put it in the keyhole. Kaiser
positioned himself enough to where he was in front of the doorway
and marched us into his classroom.
    Kaiser’s classroom didn’t have any desks with
books on them. But it did have a huge battlefield in the center of
the room. I started to get very excited. Kaiser turned around to
the front of us.Letters and packages moved in the air all over the
room. The mail didn’t have wings, but it did move by itself,
without anyone touching it. A few of the pieces of mail dropped
beside me. I bent over and picked them up.
    One of them was from my parents and, the last
piece of mail I had gotten was a package from an anonymous sender.
Tearing the packing off the package, I found a dragon harness. The
letter taped to the package said this:
    " If you're
receiving this letter, it means I passed on to Kursta. Please, take
good care of Lance, my dragon, for me. The harness will aid you in
training with him. "
    "Wow, that dragon's Lance?"
    I blinked at Chaser, surprised he recognized
the name. "You know him?"
    "I know about him. He's famous."
    "He's a legendary dragon from some mysterious
    Kaiser looked at all of us.
    “The first fight will be Jaren VS Skyrid.
Today, we will be learning how to turn into our warrior forms.” he
said. Jaren and I went onto the battlefield. Kaiser looked at
    “To turn into your warrior form you must lift
your hand into the air and shoot either a beam of light or a beam
of Darkness into the air. The beam of light is for a light warrior.
The beam of darkness is for a dark warrior.”
    I shot a beam of light into the air and Jaren
shot a beam of darkness into the air. Armor started to appear on us
piece by piece. Helmets started to form around our heads. Then
armor started forming around our shoulders, arms and, hands. The
armor then formed around our chests, legs, knees, and feet. Once
all of our armor had formed itself onto both of our bodies, we
looked down at our armor and found out my armor was color of the
sun while Jaren’s armor was the color of

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