What it Takes

Read Online What it Takes by Kathryn Ascher - Free Book Online

Book: What it Takes by Kathryn Ascher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathryn Ascher
Tags: FIC027020, FIC027000, FIC021000
happened to him,” Grayson said lowly as Veronica giggled.
    Kelsey shook her head as she stood and walked to the table, grumbling, “It probably wouldn’t happen at all if he were more careful about whom he took home.” She set her coffee down as if it had burned her. She’d been so stupid, believing Patrick wasn’t as bad as she’d thought.
    He was worse.
    Grayson laughed directly behind her and Kelsey spun to glare at him as he said, “He didn’t take any of them home.”
    She pursed her lips in disbelief then glanced over his shoulder. The girls were pleading their case, casting sly looks at Patrick. Andy was gesturing wildly at the gate, his neck, head, and face still red. Patrick stood calmly by his side, hands up placatingly, head shaking. From this distance, he appeared to be the only voice of reason. Guards flanked Andy and Patrick.
    “Just stop, Grayson.” Kelsey turned her eyes to him. “I don’t want to hear it anymore. The stories are obviously true and worse than I thought.”
    “So what?” he snapped. “So what if they are, Kelsey? He’s only human. I seriously doubt you’re as perfect as you pretend to be.”
    Her mouth fell open and she quickly closed it as she looked away.
    “We all have our naughty little habits or dark secrets.” He gripped her arm and turned her face to him. He stared deeply into her eyes. “But whatever you think his are, I can tell you for a fact that he didn’t take any of those girls back to his room.”
    She grabbed his wrist and yanked his hand down. “How do you know that?” she asked defiantly, surprised by how much she hoped he would give her a solid bit of proof. She glanced at the group arguing outside again and recalled the jealousy she’d felt watching Patrick dance with those brats. Why had she been so stubborn in her refusal? It was just a dance after all.
    “They were talking to the guards fifteen minutes after Patrick left. Ten minutes later, they were gone.”
    Kelsey’s heart skipped a beat and she silently cursed it. She couldn’t take her eyes off of Patrick. He was gesturing calmly, trying to soothe the rising tempers. Why did she care so much who this man slept with? And why was she so relieved to hear it hadn’t been any of those women?
    “He doesn’t sleep with fans; it’s one of his rules. It can cause too much trouble, especially when they’re that young.” Grayson’s serious tone drew her attention to him.
    “Yes, but—”
    “Kelsey, there are no ‘but’s,” Grayson sighed. Patrick and Andy were heading back to the tent. The women were being herded off of the set, still looking back at Patrick longingly. “He didn’t do that.” She heard the certainty in Grayson’s voice and realized how serious this conversation had been. Grayson was rarely serious.
    Kelsey nodded as she picked up her coffee. Her eyes met Patrick’s as he walked back into the tent and she could see the irritation clearly written there, driving Grayson’s honesty home. She walked back to her seat, a crease in her brow as she took a sip of coffee with a renewed appreciation for it.

    “A bout time,” Janelle teased her sister over the speakerphone later that afternoon.
    Kelsey leaned against the arm of the couch and stretched her legs in front of her. She closed her eyes, simply enjoying the sound of her sister’s voice. “Sorry, I’ve been a little busy,” she replied and slowly opened her eyes. They made small talk for a few minutes until Kelsey couldn’t wait any longer. “How’s school going for Zach?”
    Janelle laughed. “He’s been waiting for you to call so he could tell you all about it. Let me get him.” She covered the mouthpiece and called him.
    Kelsey heard his muffled steps and felt giddy.
    “Hi, Aunt Kelsey.”
    The excitement quickly became a lump in her throat at the sound of his sweet drawl. “Hey, buddy,” she said, sounding calmer than she felt. Being away from her family was still one of the hardest parts of

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