Wayward Trouble (Wayward Saints MC Book 5)

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Book: Wayward Trouble (Wayward Saints MC Book 5) by K. Renee Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. Renee
and I know I affect her like she’s been affecting me. I just have to remember that I can’t push her too fast.  
    Once the waitress comes and goes, Wynter starts to loosen up and talk to me.  
    “What’s your favorite thing to do?” she asks, eyeing me.
    “Ride.” It’s my favorite thing next to sex, but I know she will get all shy again and stop talking. Truth is, I like listening to her talk about nothing and everything.  
    She just giggles. “Now I know that’s not exactly the truth.”  
    “Well if you think you know me so well, then tell me what my favorite thing to do,” I challenge her.  
    She watches me for a second before she whispers the word sex.  
    “Sugar we are both adults, you can say the word sex out loud,” I smirk. Her cheeks turn a light shade of red, and I can’t help but laugh.  
    Once we finish eating, I toss some cash down, and she pushes me out of the booth.  
    “I know it’s just not something I’m comfortable with saying out loud.” Her voice is quiet, almost like she’s afraid of what my reply will be.  
    “Babe, I’ll have you saying all kinds of words you’ve never dreamed of in a week.” She shakes her head no, and I just wrap my arm around her waist and pull her closer.  
    Getting back on my bike, I wait for her to put the helmet on, and then I help her on. “We have to stop by my brother’s house on the way back.”  
    “Okay.” She doesn’t look happy about it, but I think her and Anslie will get along fine.
    I turn the key and the engine roars to life. Wynter wraps her arms around me, and I can feel the sweet torture start all over again. I’m gonna die from fucking blue balls.  

    Pulling into my brother’s yard, I see him watching my nephews ride around on little three wheelers. One of them almost clips me, and I almost knock Wynter off the bike. When I park my bike next to my brother’s, she places her head in my back, and I can feel her laughter.  
    “Sorry about that. I say against her temple when I help her off the bike. “Death by toddler,” she giggles. “And here I was afraid of Saxton.” She shakes her head and the twins both stop their three wheelers to come run at me. I kneel down just in time for them to run into my arms.  
    I pick them both up and walk over to Wynter. “Sugar, these are my nephews Severye and Remington. Boys this is Wynter.” They both give her a shy little wave, and Brant starts to laugh.  
    “Oh now they’re shy…” I set them both down and they go running to Brant.  
    “Come on. Let’s put these up before your mom sees what we are doing out here,” he tells them. They both nod their heads, and try to push them back to the shed on the side of the house.  
    Brant and I end up pushing them back, while the twins run inside giggling.
    I just shake my head. “Anslie doesn’t know about these?”  
    He smirks, “Hell no. She would kill me, but the boys are naturals. Just like us as kids.” I shake my head, and laugh at him.  
    “I sure hope she finds out and puts your ass in the doghouse.” I chuckle.  
    “Naw, she’s too fucking horny to make me sleep outside.”
    Wynter clears her throat, and I just smile. Walking back over to where she’s standing, I wrap an arm around her and whisper, “Trust me, I will get you used to this language.” She shakes her head at me, and I just grab her ass in response.  
    Walking into Brant’s house, I see the baby shit everywhere. It looks like a baby store threw up all over their living room. Wynter’s eyes widen when she takes in the house.  
    “Yeah he outdid himself when he fixed this place up,” I murmur in her ear. She continues her scan of the room when Anslie walks in and sees us.  
    “Jase!” she says excitedly. She walks over to me with her belly starting to really show. I wrap her in my arms and she asks, “Is this the girl I’ve heard about?” I look down at her, and nod my head. She squeals, releasing me, and pulls Wynter into a

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