Into the Fire

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Book: Into the Fire by Suzanne Brockmann Read Free Book Online
Authors: Suzanne Brockmann
all responses to a request made when they were already in bed should have been a resounding
    “Hang on,” Lindsey told Izzy, then covered the mouthpiece of the phone as she no doubt explained the sitch to her adorable yet height-challenged husband.
    “Remind him of that time I saved his life,” Izzy suggested, but then Jenkins himself came onto the phone.
?” he asked.
    “Yup,” Izzy said.
    “She’s alone with you, in your apartment.”
    “She is.”
    “Are you out of your freaking mind?”
    “That’s the point,” Izzy said. “I’m not. Hence this SOS. You gonna help me out here, man, or are you going to leave me with my dick in this extremely uncomfortable vise?” Although, he suspected that there was no such thing as a
vise when one’s dick was involved.
    Jenk sighed heavily. “Bring her over,” he said.
    “Thank you,” Izzy said.
    “Can you just…maybe take your time getting here?” Jenkins asked.
    “No problem. Eden’s out cold on my couch.” Izzy checked his watch. “I’ll let her sleep for another hour. That work for you, Romeo?”
    “See you then,” Jenk said, and hung up the phone.
    Apparently, it worked for him. Lucky little bastard.
    But an hour came and went, and Eden didn’t wake up.
    When Izzy tried to talk to her, she just burrowed her way deeper into the couch.
    Part of his problem came from his unwillingness to touch her. Yeah, sure, he could have gathered her up and carried her to his truck—but first he’d have to touch her. And he couldn’t bring himself to do that with her shirt all up and twisted around her and…
    Nipple! Holy shit!
    Izzy quickly put a blanket over Eden and her lovely wandering nipple, paced the room a few hundred more times and then called Jenk and Lindsey back. “She won’t wake up.”
    “Is she all right?” Jenkins asked, no doubt speaking softly because Lindsey had fallen asleep.
    “Yeah, I think she’s just exhausted,” Izzy said, before it occurred to him to say,
I don’t know. Do you think you can get Lopez to come over to check her out?
    Even though all Navy SEALs had some degree of medical training, Jay Lopez was a hospital corpsman. And once Lopez was here—albeit under false pretenses—Izzy would no longer be alone in his apartment with Eden Freakin’ Gillman.
    “I know this is asking a lot,” Izzy said instead, “but could you and Lindsey maybe come over? You can have my bed. I’ll go back to your place and crash on your—”
    “Zanella.” Jenk cut him off. “Just go into your bedroom and close the door. Go to sleep. If you’re even half as tired as I am—”
    “Yeah, see, that’s just it,” Izzy said. “I’m not. I didn’t spend the last hour perfecting my technique of Palm Tree in High Wind from page seventy-five of the Kama Sutra, with my incredibly sexy wife.”
    “Go to sleep,” Jenk said again. “If Eden wakes up—which she probably won’t before morning—call us then, okay? If you need to. Which you won’t, because she won’t wake up, all right?”
    “What happened to
are you out of your freaking mind
?” Izzy asked. “Gillman’s gonna—”
    “I’ll tell him you went above and beyond, trying to find a place for her to stay that wasn’t your apartment,” Jenk promised. “He’ll be cool with that. I’ll make sure of it. He’ll thank you.”
    Gillman would thank him—as a trio of pigs singing “Lean on Me” in perfect harmony flew past Izzy’s apartment window.
    He hung up the phone and called Lopez. Who didn’t answer. “Fuck you,” Izzy left a cheery message on his voice mail. “I know you’re awake, Jay-Lo. It’s barely 2100 hours. Danny’s sister Eden is here and I fucking need a fucking chaperone. Call me back, douchebag.”
    But Lopez never called, so Izzy finally went to bed because Jenk was right and Eden didn’t wake up.
    But she was awake now. With her big brown eyes and her gorgeous legs and that errant nipple. Crying in his living

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