Watch Me

Read Online Watch Me by Shelley Bradley - Free Book Online

Book: Watch Me by Shelley Bradley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shelley Bradley
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, Erotic, red hot
she could feel every inch of his thick erection pressing right against her sex. She ached in a way she never had before and never imagined she could.
    Then he lowered his head and sucked her nipple into his mouth. Hot. Wet. Wild. Thrilling. Sensations screamed through her body as he suckled her, his mouth pulling, tugging, creating friction that zipped right from her breast to her clit until pleasure tightened, converged, pounded at her body.
    Shanna clutched his shoulders, praying the sensation would never end.
    After a long, lingering lick, Alejandro eased away from her breast and stood her upright again. “That is another possibility.”
    “Do you… W—would you bite them?”
    He didn’t even answer, just bent to capture her breast in his mouth again, the hot silk of his tongue over the sensitive bud giving way to the tug of teeth—and a bolt of pure fire straight down to her sex. Oh God.
    “Yes!” The word slipped out of her mouth. Surrender in one syllable. She knew it. So did he.
    She was going to give him anything—everything—he wanted tonight. Alejandro straightened and smiled down at her. That expression
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    captured her, but he enthralled her when he slid his fingers into her hair, scattering the pins holding her French twist everywhere, and ravaged her mouth.
    Need, impatience, aggression, the promise of unbelievable sex—it was all there in his kiss. His tongue stroked hers and stoked the fires leaping inside her, sending her higher and higher.
    Alejandro had barely touched anything below her waist, and already she was screamingly close to orgasm. He’d already brought her closer to the pinnacle than any of her other previous lovers. Damn, what would happen when he actually laid her down on that sumptuous bed and covered her body with his? When he filled her up with every inch he taunted her with even now as he rocked against her?
    Panting, mewling, Shanna grabbed his face with clutching fingers and pressed her lips harder against his. God, it was stupid and dangerous…and she couldn’t wait to find out just how good he was going to be.
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    Chapter Five
    Shanna panted, clinging to Alejandro when he lodged his thigh between hers and urged her to swivel her hips against him. Thick bolts of need speared her belly, slicing down her legs. Her blood turned thick. The wanton within her demanded more. Shanna aimed to make sure she got it.
    She wasn’t the Bitch of the Ballroom tonight. She was just a female surrendering to the hot sensations her lover’s touch roused. How it happened, she didn’t know. Why now and with this man, in this situation, was a mystery, too. But for once, she felt like a woman. Not just an athlete, a dancer, or a competitor. Just a woman in touch with her sexuality.
    Orgasm approached hard and fast. Tension built between her legs. Heat fractured her thoughts. She moaned, feeling Alejandro’s hands at her hips, urging her on, and Del’s hot stare burning her back. As she climbed up, up, Alejandro lifted his mouth from hers and sent her a deliciously wicked smile. God, the man could melt steel with that look. And she was nowhere near that solid.
    “You ache.” He didn’t ask; he stated.
    “You are wet.”
    No doubt, he felt her wet folds through the thin fabric of his slacks, and the friction it provided was driving her out of her mind.
    Then he reached around her, gliding rough palms over her bare ass as he lifted her skirt to her waist. Shanna knew Del could see her cheeks
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    and the delicate white thong bisecting them. She swore she could feel his stare burning her backside. And she knew it affected him because he groaned.
    That sound reached between her legs and jolted her. Why it turned her on so much to excite Del she couldn’t explain. And didn’t want to know. Tomorrow, she’d likely be mortified. Tonight, she just didn’t care.
    “Do you like knowing that Del is eating up your

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