back and scooped her up into his arms. He carried her through the small front room and into a bedroom. His bedroom. A black hat and a patterned handkerchief hung on a hook. She wondered if he’d robbed any banks wearing it.
He plopped her onto a squeaky bed. Samantha giggled as he quickly joined her.
Would this really happen this time? He seemed to wonder the same thing, pausing in another kiss to look around, to listen for someone coming. She liked it better when she had his full attention. To get it, she eased his belt buckle open and tugged his belt off, all the while watching his eyes widen and flash.
Samantha shoved her hands down between fabric and skin, and gripped his muscular ass. She tugged enough space to allow frontal access, and her hands found the source of all male pride. She skimmed the fabric separating her from the long, hard shaft, already stiff in readiness. He throbbed when she encircled her hands over it.
Jesse closed his eyes and captured her exploring hand. “Samantha, I asked whether you are certain, and I’m feeling I should be more honest.” He moved to lie beside her and met her gaze. “I cannot offer you marriage.”
Whoa. Marriage? Her libido kicked back a notch. Who said anything about marriage? “I’m not interested in marriage, Jesse.”
“Women say as much, and I only stop now to impress it upon you, because it’s taking all I have to think straight around you. I don’t want you to have regrets.”
Exactly. How many times had she regretted not taking her last dream by the wheel and driving it exactly where she wanted it to go? Whatever brakes the word marriage pressed, the idea of regrets completely cut. She became like an addict, kissing him, eager and desperate. He responded with the same level of urgency. His kisses were quick and hard, his gaze intent as though at any moment she might disappear.
He removed his clothes and peeled off hers with curiosity and verve. The cool of the evening tickled her flesh, easing the heat between them. When he returned to her, naked, skin on glorious skin, he moved slowly.
He touched her face with his hand, and his gaze spoke the unspoken question. Permission. She gave it. She led his body closer, arched into him. From toes to lips, she pressed her body into his and thrilled in the contact. Her heart hummed alongside her desire, and her desperation gave way to a small sense of wonder.
If only he were real. If only this were real. Then it would be heaven. Jesse leaned down and gingerly kissed her lips, suckling the lower one and nibbling his teeth against it. One hand, large and masculine, traveled down her neckline and collarbone, found her breast. He engulfed her small breast and thumbed over her hard nipple. Pleasure sprang and coiled, connecting to the need down below and feeding its flames.
He moved his hips between her legs and settled his cock against her slit. As he slid up and down, threatening the tip to her opening and drawing back, her moisture created a smooth friction. Again and again, he drove her mad with want and so near climax she thought she might succumb before feeling what she craved. Him. His body deep within hers, pounding, sliding in and out until ecstasy crashed through her.
She needed him.
“Jesse,” she breathed. “Please. Please, I want you so badly. Please.”
He stilled a moment before complying.
The first stroke so sweet it might have been poison. She did feel like she could die of it. Samantha arched up and forced herself not to rush up to meet his body, letting the bliss cloak her.
He delved deep and sure, and paused a heartbeat, only to pull out and return. He continued his strokes in the same magnificent manner, each a bit sooner than the last, until he drove fast and hard.
She moaned and cried with abandon, giving in to her pleasure. She lost all feeling of worry or hope. She simply was.
His shoulders rippled with straining muscle. His face showed his own pleasure. He called her
Andrew J. Morgan
Ernesto «Che» Guevara
Nancy Wright
Lavie Tidhar
Ella Summers
Allie Borne
Stephen Krensky
Keith Graves
Janette Oke
J.D. Hollyfield