WANTED (A Transported Through Time book)

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Book: WANTED (A Transported Through Time book) by Amber Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amber Scott
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wall. “Are you?” He grinned. “Asking for trouble?”
    The last word spilled into a low chuckle and Samantha let the air woosh out of her lungs on a giggle of her own. She punched him softly in the gut. He caught her fist and as their laughter died, the question stayed in his eyes. He really did doubt her landing in a pile on the road near his doorstep?
    Um, okay. So much for dream power. “I don’t know how I got there. I was having tea, or maybe dreamed that I was having tea, and then the world went fuzzy, and I woke up with Ginny in my face.”
    “My grandmother would cast a circle over luck like that. No such thing as coincidences. She’d say someone sent you.”
    Samantha laughed again then sobered. He was still smiling, but he was serious. “You think someone sent me? Who?”
    He regarded her a long moment. “Whoever did is pitiful at disguising your curves in tight jeans.”
    The way he said it made her wonder if he had some double meaning in mind. “Yes, well, with this ass, I doubt I’ll ever pass as a boy.”
    He tucked his chin and his gaze flashed again. “Who sent you, Samantha?”
    “Uh...Carla?” She shrugged. The movement made her breasts brush against his bare chest. Her body responded with a tingle that had nothing to do with cold air.
    “I don’t know any Carla.”
    She bit down against saying Carla knew him. Something inside her warned a statement like that would break this spell between them. Instead, she shrugged as innocently as possible.
    He wound a hand around her waist. “Well, whoever did send you will be sorely disappointed, because I’m taking you prisoner.”
    Whoa. That sounded hot coming from his full lip s. The shapes of a goatee and m ustache were coming in, and black whiskers framed his too-kissable mouth. “Just no chains, please,” she said, then could have kicked herself for total lack of sex appeal.
    Thankfully, Jesse didn’t seem to mind. He pulled her closer and wound a hand into her hair. “If you mean me harm, Samantha, I’ll only warn you once.”
    “Harm?” Why in the world would she mean him harm? All she could think about was how to get him all the way naked. She wanted to touch that chest again, prove to herself it was real. He was real.
    He’d kissed her just moments ago.
    A kiss like old lovers give. Like high school sweethearts share. Where was that kiss, that pure joy all over his face? How did she get that look back? His eyes searched hers, conflict in them. The grip in her hair tightened. With a small curse, he kissed her.
    Samantha gave a tiny groan and wrapped her arms around him, returning his hungry kiss in full. His hand dragged down her back, dragging heat and fever with it. His chest felt so satisfying, hard and smooth under her fingertips. As long as she didn’t wake up. He was too good to be true. She was not about to question the gods or her luck or, why, after weeks of trying, he finally came back to her dreams.
    Confident, sure, as though he knew her, he touched her. His touch embodied her own want of him. He smelled of the same heady scent, like the outdoors, like the sun. While her senses drank up the rest of him, she breathed it in. His eyes. God, the way they looked at her now, those eyes could make a nun blush. Heavy-lidded, smoky green, impassioned beyond anything she’d ever witnessed.
    But then, he wasn’t real. No matter how real and tangible this felt, she’d wake up. There was no other plausible expectation or explanation.
    So why not indulge to the fullest?
    The decision felt like a permission slip, a free pass. Her hands and hips and mouth lost all shyness. She kissed him back with every seductive ounce in her body. She raked her nails down his bare back and through his hair. Jesse lifted her leg and pushed his hips in. The rough wood wall scraped at her back as she ground against him.
    “Are you certain?” he said, his voice hoarse with desire.
    “Yes,” she said and pulled his head close again.
    Jesse pulled

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