Walk a Straight Line

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Book: Walk a Straight Line by Michelle Lindo-Rice Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Lindo-Rice
she was now spending his money, she had to answer to him, he had another think coming. If that was what he expected, Colleen would just go back to her job at the school. It was at his insistence that she’d resigned and devoted herself to his ministry—well, she hadn’t resigned, just put in for a year’s leave of absence. She could have her old job back any time she wanted.
    You know what, she wasn’t having this. Colleen threw the pants on the floor and strode into the kitchen. She confronted him. “I am not taking them back!”
    Terence’s eyes narrowed. His body stance said, Who is she talking to like that? But he didn’t say that. “Yes, you are,” he said quietly.
    He always spoke in a low voice. Yelling was just not his style. But Colleen was not fooled for an instant. She could hear the underlying steel, and it did not sit well with her. She ran her fingers through her hair before she caught on that it was a dead giveaway of her uncertainty. She clasped her hands together to keep them out of her hair.
    Though unsure what her next move should be, she knew that she wasn’t happy with the way that things were going. Colleen liked pleasing people, but at this moment, she wanted to please herself. Gina’s comments from weeks ago still rattled. She didn’t want to be taken advantage of by anybody, and that included her husband.
    â€œIt shouldn’t matter what I wear,” Colleen changed tactics. “You never had a problem when we were dating. And you may not want me wearing pants, but don’t think I don’t see you checking other women out.”
    Terence scoffed at her sentiment. “All the other wives wear dresses, and I feel that you should, too. Baby, I’m not trying to change who you are. I just want you to fit in with the ministers’ wives. Even my mother agrees that you need to dress a little more conservatively. ”
    Colleen bit her lip to keep from screaming. It was all beginning to make sense to her. Francine was behind this. She’d probably made some comment that put this idea into Terence’s head. Colleen knew that Francine didn’t really like her. Francine wanted to keep her son to herself and at her beck and call. Colleen recognized this and made up her mind to ignore Francine’s antics, but it was difficult.
    Terence leaned toward her and kissed her full on the lips. Colleen knew that this was his way of persuading her to change her mind. She vowed not to be manipulated by his charm. Then, she sighed as she felt Terence’s passion increase. He continued his tender manipulations. Colleen’s passion rose. “I’ll try,” she promised as she leaned into her husband’s embrace, seeking more.
    The better she felt, the more she capitulated. It wasn’t such a big deal, Colleen convinced herself. She could wear dresses every day. There were so many cute styles, and she had long boots for the winter. She supposed she could compromise on this, because, after all, it was not going to hurt her.
    Terence smiled with barely concealed pleasure at her acquiescence.
    Colleen noticed the slight air of superiority on Terence’s face and hated that she’d become putty in his hands. It was almost like he was reveling in the control he had over her, and a part of her resented it, but a stronger part of her wanted to agree to anything he told her to do. She felt powerless, like all he had to do was touch her and she would do whatever he asked.

Chapter Eight
    Michael entered his hotel suite and dumped the luggage he held to the floor.
    â€œWell, aren’t you going to even talk to me?” Karen whined. “I know I caught you off guard and how much you hate surprises. But I was desperate.”
    She addressed Michael for the third time that evening, but he barely glanced her way. He was too ticked off to even respond, and her voice grated on his nerves. Michael couldn’t for the life of

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