Waiting for You (RightMatch.com Trilogy)
Tom said, “Good girl,” and left to help the others.
    Again, Dana tried to blank her mind, but the damn man intruded again. There had been an email from him this week after the news had broken about the studio’s award. Congratulations, Dana. You are one special woman. She’d been stunningly disappointed that he hadn’t given her any inkling into his decision making. How did he feel about her, was his shoulder healing, was he thinking about her? She’d badly wanted to say something more in her short thank-you email back, but she’d refrained.
    “Now,” Eleanor said from the front, “Lift your arms upright and parallel, then stretch your right side by pulling on your opposite hand.” Dana followed the instructions. She was able to achieve this pose on her own, though some people with spine injuries had to be helped. A couple of people were struggling to stay balanced, and another assistant gave her more props.
    Dana could also twist her spine to each side, holding the pose extra-long, roll her shoulders, rotate her neck. When they got to the pelvic tilts, the instructor said, “For those of you who can, press down on your pelvic floor to wake up sleeping muscles there.”
    And Dana’s mind spun out of control. Joey awakened her, too, in the same general area. She’d been having some erotic dreams lately, which hadn’t happened in so long, she couldn’t begrudge them. Though she took care of her sexual needs by herself, she missed a man’s body. Now, she wanted Joe’s next to her, touching her, inside her.
    For the rest of the class Dana only half concentrated on the practice, but still she came out more relaxed. However, by the time she got to the studio, she was anxious to see if there was another email or call from JoeyD.
    Huh, so much for peace and serenity.
    By Wednesday, Joe was going stir crazy. And it showed. “What on earth is wrong with you?” his mother asked from the sink. She’d brought over a homemade coffee cake and was tidying up his kitchen. He sat at a table, munching on a piece that was a lot more edible than her cooking, which she couldn’t quite master.
    “I’m at loose ends. I’m not healed enough to go back to work yet, but I can’t stand being inactive.” He got up from the table and crossed to the window to look out. “I need to do something.”
    “Go for a walk. I’d go with you, but I have my bridge club in an hour.”
    Walking wouldn’t do it. Unbeknownst to his hovering family, after the first week of his injury, he’d power walked every morning, with a sling specially designed for jogging. He’d also kept up with his weights on his uninjured arm and his legs.
    “The ladies would kill me if you missed that.”
    She watched him from the sink. He could feel her eyes on him, just like when he was a kid and was trying to conceal something from her. Crossing to him, she put her hand on his arm. “It’s something more, though, isn’t it?”
    He looked up into her still-lovely face. And thought about how she rolled with the punches of life better than he did. She’d lost two husbands, one through divorce, one through death. And she’d dared to risk again with Cole’s dad. “You’re really something, you know that, Mom?”
    “Why, thank you.” She gave him a quizzical look. “What brought that on?”
    “I’ve just been thinking about your courage, even after you’ve had so much loss in your life.”
    “All right.” She pulled out a chair and sat down. “Sit and tell me what’s really bothering you.”
    Joe dropped down onto a seat and found himself pouring out the whole story. He watched her face etch out with sadness as he talked about Dana being confined to a chair. He watched her eyes tear as he told her about the success in dance she’d lost, then gotten back with her studio. And he watched her brow furrow when he told her of his dilemma.
    “That’s quite a story.”
    “Am I a jerk because I can’t decide whether to see her

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