Hikari Okami: Kitsune Series
    Long ago the tale of the kitsune “demon fox”
would cause fear to rise in the heart of men these fearless
creatures were known for their mischief and misfortune to mankind,
the mere mention of the name was not to be lightly spoken for
mothers say the name to strike fear into the hearts of disobedient
    Kyubi “nine tail demon fox” the most feared
among them for it is said to be the strongest yokai “demon” many
have come to believe it to be an immortal being who possess immense
spiritual energy, this creature having lived among humans for many
seasons now see them as weak beings easily misled by lies and quick
to betray one another, ephemeral, lacking in strength and cursed
with a short life span with this in mind the kyubi ceased entering
the human world preferring the yokai world of power, comradeship
and absolute freedom.
    The yokai world which consists of various
demons some possessing features resembling those of humans, animals
or both, one in particular is the ayakashi “phantom” known for
great strength and able to co-exist in both worlds in the past some
bred among the humans which lead to the birth those who go by the
name onmyouji “demon slayer” for they possess powers similar to a
    Among the yokai and ayakashi are those who
possess great powers which set them apart from their kind for these
are said to belong to the noble family with unique bloodline for
they neither mix with others so as to retain their pure linage
these are the very elite among the yokai for their aura makes their
presence known whenever they pass by.
    Thus the noble families never marry from the
lower class for in the yokai world, power is everything and those
that do not belong are treated as though they were invincible.
    Chiho-sama also known by some as the kyubi ,
having taken the form of a young beautiful female yokai as one
endowed with natural grace, flowing silken platinum lavender blue
hair, eyes of glowing wine hue with characteristic piercing dark
pupil and two pointed ears of lavender blue.
    For she had unrivaled powers to create and
destroy at will, great wisdom having abilities that other yokai
could only dream of; she is said to have created the very children
in whom she bore, the first Hikari followed by Taiki, Himiko and
Ayumu which all possessed unique abilities of their own.
    As the leader of the yokai world she knew
what was going on concerning how the lower class yokai were
mistreated by the ones of higher class therefore she made the
decision to create a balance such that they could co-exist without
bloodshed with that in mind a meeting point was established this
was known as the yoshiwara district which was made up of various
establishments to cater to their needs for she hoped with time
there could be some among them who would lose their resentment for
each other and build a stronger bond which went beyond class.
    Among the children of Chiho-sama there was
one who closely resembled her this was Hikari for he had his
mother’s facial appearance except for the eye color even his manner
of speech sounded almost like her the sharp difference between them
was the fighting skill for clearly she was the stronger one.
    Taiki was the most feared among her children
for his presence created a mixture of dread, awe and reverence for
none dared to speak his name lightly some saw him as arrogant. At
times he would viciously take down the life of those he sees to be
a threat.
    Himiko was a milder form of her older brother
for where he would have killed ruthlessly she on the other hand
would have inflicted injuries to her foes.
    Ayumu the youngest of them possessed the
power to control life of all kind for her gentle soul served to
attract those in need of comfort and refuge, for she voice could
heal the wounded but could not bring the dead to life for once a
soul crosses into jigoku “netherworld” she could no longer be able
to rescue such soul.
    Yokai that possess great power are the

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