Hikari Okami: Kitsune Series
having eyes of emerald hue
which was filled at the moment with amusement having well trimmed
claws protruding from his hands, dressed in plain kimono of inner
white and outer blue color.
    “Ritsu I just thought of you not too long
before you appeared before me, be rest assured for I never leave
myself unguarded unlike some”
    “As a friend I’m just showing my concern for
you, now let me come to the main reason why I’m here for words have
reached me that your mother wants you to take over from her as the
supreme leader, is that true?” Ritsu-no-kami asked as he watched
his friend closely for any sign that he may be hiding something
from him.
    “Mother is yet to tell me that, although
words also have reached me about it but for now I just want to see
it as mere idle talk”
    As Ritsu-no-kami was about to speak they
heard a knock at the door as a voice spoke “Sorry for the
disturbance but I have an urgent message for Hikari-sama from
    Wondering what it was Hikari responded “You
can come in”
    On entering in the messenger bowed his head
as he reached into the side gathering of his Kimono for the letter
issued by Chiho-sama on bring it out he handed it to Hikari who
then read the letter, through it all no one made a sound as they
watched him who at the moment seemed very annoyed.
    “Please excuse us for I’ll like to speak with
Ritsu alone” said Hikari to the messenger which on hearing this
bowed before them as he made his way out of the room.
    “Ritsu you know that you and I have been
friends for a long time it is on this ground that I ask a favor
from you, please allow me to take your position as guardian among
the humans for a season after which I’ll take over from mother as
the next supreme ruler”
    “So it is really true, that means that was
what the letter was about” asked Ritsu-no-kami
    “You know my mother is never direct when she
says things, according to the letter she says that I have to take
over before I celebrate my fiftieth season which to my knowledge
will be very soon”
    “You do know that humans are very different
from us some are as terrible as us or if not worse, but they have a
great capacity to show love which goes beyond their limitation as a
lesser being. Take heed never to break the rule that binds us yokai
for you must never fall for a human neither lay with one for it is
forbidden which is punishable by barring your entry into the yokai
world to be condemned to spend your life among the humans as one of
them although I doubt your mother would kill you for doing that
even if you’re supposedly immortal.
    Finally avoid humans who possess powers like
us for they are called “onmyouji” who go about sealing yokai, I was
able to live among them without detection because of my unique
ability to suppress my aura making me appear human”
    “Don’t take me for a fool of course I know
the rules and I’m not one to be swayed by such fleeting emotions
for there are duties waiting to be fulfilled as the next supreme

Chapter 2
    Ritsu-sama agreed to relinquish his position
as guardian of the Inari shrine to his friend then he went on to
explain the duties expected of a guardian.
    He remembered his friend’s warning to avoid
the night of the Tsuki no mangetsu “night of the lunar moon” for on
that day the onmyouji go about hunting kitsune and other yokai.
    Unknown to them Kayo had overheard what was
been said as tears slowly trailed down her cheek, reaching her face
and seeing tears on her fingers made her realize how much she loved
Hikari with that came regret for she knew it was a hopeless love it
was forbidden for a“Kaze no Yuki” of the kurokumo inn to fall in
love with their patron for they are tools to bring pleasure to
their owners.
    Slowly making her way away from the room
where Hikari was as she dried her eyes with the sleeves of her
yukata, Kayo resolved never to reveal the love she had for him most
especially to one who was from the

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