Waiting for Perfect

Read Online Waiting for Perfect by Kelli Kretzschmar - Free Book Online

Book: Waiting for Perfect by Kelli Kretzschmar Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelli Kretzschmar
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  She starts crying again, and if there’s one thing my heart
can’t stand, it’s seeing a pretty girl cry.
    I pull her into a
hug.   “You’ve got to tell her what
happened, Lexi.   She needs to know
the truth.”
    She mumbles into my
chest.   “How am I supposed to tell
    Nick slams Kendra’s
door shut and walks over to where Lexi and I are standing.   “She needs to press charges against
that shitbag.”   He swallows hard, and
his pierced brow scrunches down over his eye.   “She needs to see a doctor too.   They need to check if she was…” he trails off, unable to
complete the sentence.   He doesn’t
have to.   Lexi and I both know what
he can’t say.   If she was
raped.   They need to check if she
was raped.
    The word hangs in
my head, and a surge of anger rushes over me.   Finally, the last eight months make sense to me.   I understand the circumstances that led
me to California.   I understand
    Lexi is still
sobbing into my chest when Nick says, “Go, Lexi.   Take her to your house to sleep it off.   Someone needs to be with her when she
wakes up.”
    Lexi backs away
from me and nods.   “Okay.”   She gets into her car and starts
backing down the driveway.
    Nick and I stare at
the car until it’s out of sight.   Then, we walk to the Mustang.   Neither of us wants to enter Jeff’s house again.   Neither of us says a word.
    I’m stewing on how
badly I want to crush Ryan.   When
we reach the car, I quietly say, “Ryan Morgan’s a dead man.”
    Nick pushes the
hair from his eyes.   His features
are darker than normal, sinister.   “I could have killed him, Sebastian,” he says flatly.   “If those guys hadn’t pulled me off of
him, I would have.”
    I don’t doubt
it.   I’ve been in plenty of fights,
and I know that once you’re in the zone, it’s hard to stop.   I also know what not stopping can do to
a man.   I can only imagine what
Nick felt after walking in on Ryan and Kendra.   From the way he’s been looking after her all night, I think
he could have killed for her.  
    “I know, cuz.”



    My head is
pounding.   I keep my eyes closed while
stretching my arms above me.   My
hand hits an iron-rod headboard that I know is not mine.   I’m in Lexi’s bed.
    I blink open my
eyes, trying to avoid the blinding morning light, and try to remember coming to
Lexi’s last night.   She is asleep,
tucked under her lavender duvet with her back to me.   I squeeze my eyes shut again, cursing myself for drinking so
much.   I can’t remember
anything.   I’ve had one blackout
from alcohol in my life, and I swore I’d never repeat it.   What the hell happened?
    When I sit up, I
realize I’m fully dressed.   It must
have been a small feat for Lexi to drag me upstairs and into bed.   I hope to God her parents didn’t hear
us come in.   If I was wasted, I
probably made an ass of myself.   And if her parents saw me like that, they would tell my mom for sure.   I’d never hear the end of it.
    And what about the
party?   God, I don’t even remember
anything past playing pool.   Was I
acting like an idiot?   Shit.   I’m never drinking again.   Lexi better tell me everything.
    I tap her back a
few times.   She groans and
stretches herself awake.   When she
turns toward me, I can see her eyes are red and puffy.   She looks like hell.   I wonder if she got as drunk as me last
night.   Maybe we got a ride home.
    “Hey, sunshine.”
    “Hey,” she mumbles.
    “Okay, I don’t even
remember coming home last night.   I
must have been wasted.   Please tell
me I didn’t get naked and dance on the pool table.”   I laugh, but secretly I’m mortified I may have done
something completely humiliating.
    Lexi doesn’t even
crack a smile.   Crap.   It must be worse than I feared.
    “Oh my God, I
did!   I danced naked on the pool
table!”   I slam my face into the
pillow and scream.   Not a good
idea.   The

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