Virginia Henley

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Book: Virginia Henley by Ravished Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ravished
protest as he pressed her down onto the fragrant dried clover. “Why don’t I remove everything except your mask and see if I can identify you by your delicious body? Your breasts feel most familiar, but I need to taste them before I can be absolutely positive.”
    Alexandra gasped as she realized the man lying on top of her in the hay was about to lift her breast to his lips and suck her nipple into his wicked mouth, as if it were a cherry ripe for the plucking. She felt his hot mouth murmur suggestively against her throat, “Open your legs and let me stroke you, Pussy. I will soon fill you with the cream you crave.”
    Full-blown fear now mingled with flaring anger as Alexandra extricated herself from the lecherous male who was intent upon ravishing her. “I cannot believe this is how you amuse and enjoy yourself!”
    Nicholas heard a sob escape from Alexandra as she tried to flee from the stall. Oh, my honey love, I enjoyed it far, far too much. He grabbed her and pulled her back to stand before him. He could feel her body trembling and hated himself for what he had done to her. He lifted off her green mask. “Alexandra, you have no idea of the danger you were in. I almost ruined you. When I last saw you, you were dressed as a male. . . . Obviously this was a deliberate plan. Thank God it was me you chose for your experiment! Alexandra, most men wouldn’t have stopped.” With firm hands he wrapped his cloak about her. “You will go upstairs and take off this scandalous costume immediately.”
    Now that she knew it really was Nicholas, and that he had only behaved in a salacious way to teach her a lesson, she sagged with relief. Her fear of him now mingled with defiance. “How can you behave like a moralistic father, when a moment ago you were ready to seduce me?”
    “That’s enough sauce, you little hellcat. Go now. We mustn’t be seen together. My father has already accused me of poaching on Christopher’s territory, and I would never, ever do that.”
    Because his rejection hurt her and covered her with shame, Alexandra’s temper flared higher. Why in the name of hellfire did everyone assume she belonged to Kit? She wanted to protest at length, but the lump in her throat almost choked her. She pulled the cloak more closely about her and began to run. “I hate you, Nick Hatton!” she shouted over her shoulder.
    The following morning, when Christopher was summoned to his father’s chamber, he assumed the discussion would be about allowing Hart Cavendish to ride Renegade. He had decided to ride the Thoroughbred himself in the hunt today to avoid a browbeating from his father. He’d practiced his shooting all week and fully expected to bring down a stag, perhaps more than one. I’ll show the old swine, he vowed as he tapped on the door and was given permission to enter.
    The two men who faced each other were dressed alike in fawn riding breeches and tan leather riding boots. Both wore “pink” hunting jackets, which in actuality were red. Christopher’s father offered him ale, which he accepted though he didn’t want any. He preferred whiskey. He had acquired a taste for hard liquor, knowing that Henry Hatton admired a man who could handle drink at any hour of the day or night.
    “I spoke with Dottie Longford yesterday, and we reached an understanding about a betrothal between you and Alexandra.”
    “A betrothal?” Kit asked sharply.
    “Yes, I think we should announce it tonight at the hunt dinner. You may present her with your mother’s diamond and sapphire ring.”
    Christopher Hatton seldom challenged his father—he usually left that job to his twin—but today he did not hesitate. “Absolutely not! It’s out of the question.”
    “What the devil do you mean?” Lord Hatton roared.
    “I’m too young to be leg-shackled.”
    “Girls like Alexandra Sheffield are few and far between, you stupid young fool.”
    “I have no objection to Alexandra, or marriage either for that matter, but

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