Viking Love Beyond Time (Time Travel Romance)
his hands in a gesture of surrender.  “I’m sorry, Alodie, its just that I don’t think I can go on much longer without making love to you.  Look on sleeping with me as a morale booster for your only crew member!”
                  Austen waved the gun at him.  “Stop talking rubbish and get out!” she snapped.
                  Owen nodded and walked to the door, on the threshold he turned.  “Oh Captain ma’am” She glared at him in response.  “You’ll come to me eventually, you’re only putting off the evil day.  What are you saving it for anyway?  The man you marry?  You’re looking at him honey” with that rejoinder he walked off.
                  Austen sighed and looked in the mirror, her hair had once again come free from its bun.  With a snort of impatience she fastened it behind her head in a ponytail.  The frightening thing was that Luke - yes she was starting to think of him as Luke - was right.  There was no captain, no lieutenant commander, only a man and a woman lost in space and time -  he was all she had.
                  Just then the ship jerked violently and Austen was thrown across the room.  Stunned, she climbed to her feet as the “red alert” klaxon blared.  Without pausing to discover whether or not she was injured she ran from the room and up the corridor as another tremor shook the ship.  What the hell was happening?
                  Riding the lift to the main computer room she found Luke already there, waiting by the locked door.  She pushed past him and slammed her palm against the security panel.  As the door opened a second tremor shook the ship and she was hurled forward into the room, sliding across the floor.  Luke pulled her to her feet, and tottering unsteadily over to the console, she punched into Mindbank.  “Well?” she asked tersely, then gasped as another explosion shook the superstructure.
                  “I assume you are referring to the explosions in the cargo hold” said the computer.
                  “My God, is that what the tremors are?  What’s causing them?”
                  “There is a small rupture in a pipe in the cooling system causing a small amount of nitrelic acid to leak into the cargo hold, contact with which is causing the klerth crystals to become unstable and explode.  At the moment only a small area of the hold is affected but I.......” the biggest explosion yet shook the ship “.........I calculate that within fifteen minutes the ship will be destroyed, the resulting explosion will ignite the atmosphere of Earth”
                  Austen felt panic rising, with a huge effort of will she pushed it back down “Oh Lord” she whispered “w- will freezing the ship stop it?”
                  “Merely postpone it Captain”
                  “Suggestions, Mindbank”
                  “Freeze the ship, that will hold the combustion for six months, set the ship’s co-ordinates for deep space, I will then make my best speed away from Earth, I should have about ten minutes before the freezers affect the engines, there I will stop until the explosion.  The ship should be far enough away from the Earth for them to know nothing of it apart from a few storms when the shock wave hits”
                  Austen gritted her teeth “How long have we got to get off the ship after I start up the freezers?” she asked.
                  “The ship’s temperature reaches absolute zero in five minutes thirty two seconds Captain, human life is insupportable after three minutes five seconds”
                  “Right Mindbank, thank you “ she turned “Luke,  go to the escape shuttle”
                  “NOW Lieutenant Commander, get her warmed up, don’t worry, I’m not going to repeat my

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